
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.

womens park permit 2023

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.



The following is the list of Indians distributed after the battle of Yacüeca as given by Mr. Brau, who obtained the details from the unpublished documents of Juan Bautista Muñoz:

Indians to be distributed as slaves:

To the estates (haciendas) of their royal Highnesses 500
Baltasar de Castro, the factor 200, Miguel Diaz, the chief constable 200, Juan Ceron, the mayor 150
Diego Morales, bachelor-at-law 150, Amador de Lares 150, Louis Soto Mayor 100, Miguel Diaz, Daux-factor 100, the (municipal) council 100, the hospitals 100, Bishop Manso 100, Sebastian de la Gama 90
Gil de Malpartida 70, Juan Bono (a merchant) 70, Juan Velasquez 70, Antonio Rivadeneyra 60, Gracian Cansino 60, Louis Aqueyo 60, the apothecary 60, Francisco Cereceda 50 and 40 other individuals 40 each 1,600
Distributed in 1509 1,060
Total 5,100

1511 These numbers included women and children old enough to perform some kind of labor. They were employed in the mines, or in the rivers rather (for it was alluvium gold only that the island offered to the greed of the so-called conquerors); they were employed on the plantations as beasts of burden, and in every conceivable capacity under taskmasters who, in spite of Ferdinand's revocation of the order to reduce them to slavery (September, 1514), had acted on his first dispositions and believed themselves to have the royal warrant to work them to death.

Before Ponce's departure for a trip to Spain the island had been divided into two jurisdictions, the northern, with Capárra as its capital, under the direct authority of the governor, the southern division, with San German as the capital, under a lieutenant-governor, the chain of mountains in the interior being the mutual boundary. This division was maintained till 1782.

Capárra, or Puerto Rico, as it was now called, and San German were the only settlements when Ponce returned in 1515. . . .

According to historian Salvador Brau, the censuses of 1777 and 1787 recorded the existence of some 2,000 Amerindians in the areas of Indiera Alta, Indiera Baja and Indiera Fría. These were descendants of a group of Tainos who, in 1570, decided to intern themselves in the mountainous regions of central Puerto Rico in order to protect themselves from Spanish colonization.

this is partial post the full text can be found here...

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today i meet a bus driver in the pacific northwest
he is both hawiian and indigenous
i asked him about if he has family in the caribbean
i had to get off at that stop
he said we will discuss more next week
many puerto ricans were sent to hawii when the sugar cane trade was transferred to those islands
i did not have time to ask him what he meant by being both indigenous AND hawaiian
but he did get to say his dad was asian and hawian and his mom was indigenous
or was that the other way around?????????????????????
i will ask him next week
i am working on a temporary project in the USA right now
i should return home (borinken) before the end of the year


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