
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




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Definitely Danielle should look into it, or at least help him through it. There are many who only recently began to know their Native roots and unfortunately, they,ve had to start from scratch, right where the old info left off. I've met many many of them and I support the lineage research. Go for it!!!

As for Ruben, I for one thank you for being supportive. Although you're not of Native blood, I'm glad you're pro-native and it's beautiful to know your heart belongs to a Native woman. Wish you both the best!!!

Battling Racism

Etiquette for Non-Indians

by John 2 Hawks


Pointers to help well-meaning folks avoid being
unknowingly impolite to American Indian people
Don't ask if we get money from the casino....

Don't bother telling the story about the arrowhead....

Don't pick up a rattle and shake it without at least asking....

Avoid the 'who looks more Indian' stuff....

Don't touch or pick up our personal belongings without asking....

Use the word 'Nation' instead of 'tribe'....

Refer to Indian traditional clothing as regalia, not a 'costume'....

Avoid the 'how much Indian are you' questions....

Don't ask if we are 'full-blood' or 'pure-Indian'....

Don't ask "Are you a real Indian"....

Don't ask 'can I touch you?'....

Avoid interupting, especially with elders....
All in all, be as respectful and courteous as you would
with any other ethnic group and you'll avoid being
unknowingly disrespectful to Indigenous people.

(A good test is to apply the above scenarios to another
ethnic group to get an understanding of just how
offensive they can be)
(All of the above scenarios are based on actual experiences from me, relatives and friends.)
Thanx I will see you then.
Ruben I think some members want us "Europeans" to go sit in the corner for a time out. I mean we couldn't POSSIBLY understand what the Taino people went through even thouh we are reading from the same books they are. I guess our white man blood has hindered us in being educated. LMFAO

Don't worry I'm used to the ignorance and the racism. Being that I'm German, Jews would like me to feel guilty for the Nazi's, even though my great grandmother had already arrived in America in 1925, and my grandfather who is a third generation German American fought in WWII against the Nazi's and put his life on the line on D Day in France to free the Jews. Or the way African Americans would like me to feel guilty for slavery in The United States even though on my mother's side I am a third generation European and on my father's side, a fourth generation meaning my family came here after the civil war. Some people just think they know everything.

When I joined this site I expected to meet some educated and insightful people that would welcome me and share information. Unfortunatly what I seem to have come across is people who are bitter about what was done to their ancestors, who are unwilling to move on by bashing Europeans, and just want a place to find other people to spread their hate instead of love. And when I say this I do not mean every member on this site. There are many people I have yet to talk too.
Ruben, Ivy and Samuel seem to have really good heads on their shoulders. I thought Juan did too. but all I see in Juan is someone that was bullied by Brooke to change his way of thinking, allowed her make him feel guilty and turn on the people he had made an honest and friendly connection with. As for Brooke, she is just a lost cause to what the Indigenous movement should be about. And TainoRay just came across to me as plain racist when he paraphrased the racist comment made by the owner of this site that all white people are preoccupied by skull shape yada yada ya. But what I really find interesting is the fact that I see a white man in TainoRay. Some people on this forum have twisted what should have been pride in who they are into hate. Because newsflash, you are not just Taino, you are also European and perhaps African although you conduct yourself in a way that seems like you despise the European in you, and that is sad. And dearie Brooke, my SON who is of my flesh and blood is also a first generation Dominican American and I have every right as his mother to find out if he is indigenous or not. As for you and your family I could give a damn less, but don't tell me what to do when it comes to my family. As for my Mother in law, although she may not be my mother in blood, she is my mother and she treats me as such. So for me, this is a family matter. And one day I will live on the land of your Taino ancestors, and I will revel in it's beauty and learn everything I can about the wonderful people who once inhibited the land. Those are the people I am interested in learning about. Not the people that Brooke and TainoRay seem to represent, because that is not Taino to me.
I don't have to have Taino blood in me or have physical traits to feel a connection to the land and the people because it is within me., it is in my soul. And let's be honest, it that same spirit that connects you ancestors of the Taino to them because none of you experienced what the Taino people of the 15th century did and it took a lot more than physical features to make you feel connected. So leave your bullshit at the door cuz I'm not buying what you're selling. People who cannot leave the past in the past are the ones that are ultimatley going to hurt the Indigenous movement and make others turn a deaf ear. Keep on the way you are and the generations to come will not care about the indigenous people of the caribbean because they will think you represent them and that will be sad because you have distorted and mutilated the people.

Learn to educate with love, and not with hate. And if you can't then just shut the fuck up.
And Brooke dear, the more the shit keeps spilling out of your mouth, the more happier I am to go back to my simply Dominican American home and forget about wanting to recognize the Taino that may possibly exist in it. You should be ashamed of the way you conduct yourself.
An ancestor of me emigrated to Cuba, long time go, afterwards he went to Mexico where he married a part Indigenous woman, I already knew it by my grand-mother, but now some genetical tests showed that my family has some Amerindian ancestry, lesser than 50%, but I have-----

Come on!
Brooke didnt bully me into anything. She was right and I was wrong that is that.

Danielle comment "I mean we couldn't POSSIBLY understand what the Taino people went through even thouh we are reading from the same books they are. I guess our white man blood has hindered us in being educated. LMFAO"

I didnt learn my history from a book like you mentioned. I actually threw the book out. My history was passed down, some I learned from my family, some I learned from my teacher and alot more I learned from Jorge estevez. Ofcourse I learned from membre of this site. History that I already new had gaps that some member here filled. History books were written with a eurocentric point of view. Remember history books still have columbus as disoverying amreica. We both now you cant discover a place where there are people living. You are right no present day taino or other ameridians have gone threw what our ancestors went threw. But we have been denied our identity like I said right from 1492 to present. With these test done and confirming who we are. We have been labeled a made up name based on linguistic. Yes, present day taino have been tortures. Remember it was not that long ago that scientist made taino undressed and check for native amrican/mongloid traits, not only them but other native peoples too. They took blood and all these crazy test. I am sure it was terrible. Now I was doing the same thing. I was using my people and disecting them. To show non native who we are. But in no way did non native have to be a labrat and prove to me they were whay they claimed to be. See my point. There was no diffrence to what I was doing and the humilation that was done. I mean I have repeated this a few times.

Danille we have let other people dffine who we are. They call us hispanic and they call us latino. Why? If so why is a spaniord also called those things. Why was latino used by europeans before the colonzation of our continent and now its being used to define who we are. Why are non native also called those things? See my point. My people are not letting non taino non native deffine who we are. But I was. This is the lesson that brooke and other were giving me. I dont understand why you and ruben are mad........................
Ruben "Don´t do you remembre the experience with your Italian-American friend?"

Good you mentioned that. Yes I remember that was the whole point. I was treating my indians brothers and sisters as a animal. By disecting him/her into body parts. This is the whole lesson. I was commiting a sin. I was slapping in the face every person in site, my ancestors and all indigenous people. I was desecting an indian to mere body part. Belive it or not at the time that I finaly understood the message I was looking into indian/mongloid finger nails. How silly.

I mean reread this comment ruben I am sure you going to get it.
It's not that we are mad Juan, it is that we came to this site with love in our hearts and an open mind in it that we wanted to receive information about your people. We may or may not be of Taino blood, but that shouldn't make a difference. We are not the ones that want to turn you inro lab rats.

In fact I believe I came here very humble admitting there were only a few things I knew. I asked from people of this site, most who are of taino descent, how I would go about finding out if my family has indigenous blood NOT FOR MY HUSBAND BUT FOR MY SON MATEO because my husband grew up unaware that he may have any indigenous blood, and if my son may have some I want him to grow up knowing this so that he can have pride and know who he is. So Juan my family is unlike yours in that they do not know if they have indigenous blood. But being that my mother in law appears very indigenous looking to me and they all come from el cibao, I asked you all. The answers I received were the answers that Brooke did not like. So now why should I be labled a racist because I was given information that Brooke found to be culturally incorrect? I have not once instructed anyone to check for shovel teeth, ect ect. You were the one who told me to do that Juan! But this post turned into something nasty and mean spirited instead of informative. It is all well for you if you stand corrected, but I still intend on going about a dna test to determine if my son has indigenous blood. It is my family and my choice and it doesnt turn my family into lab rats. If I do not go about finding out then no one in the family will, and I don't want that to happen.

I just find it really comical that no one can see how contradictive Brooke has been and also how full of hate she is. Brooke could take a lesson from someone like BlueSkyWoman.
I also find it comical that while everyone is pointing their fingers and yelling racist! no one seems to care aout the comment TainoRay paraphrased from the site creator about how white people are just infatuated with skull size and shape ect ect. is extremely racist. Why is that not being torn apart and analyzed? Oh I know why. Because it isn't against Indigenous people, it is against the Europeans that a lot of you seem to have a lot of hate for when a lot of you clearly have some European ancestors. Hate yourselves all you want, but don't label me a racist or act like I don't know what the Indigenous people have been put through because I do.
And by the way Brooke, Ruben and I don't discuss shovel teeth or physical traits; that was Juan instructing me to do that. You have things really twisted. I have never had a converstaion with anyone about these things except with Juan and I was on the receiving end of it. But ignorance is your repetoir after all. Find something else to do with your time other than attack people. My mother grew up in Bayridge-I know Brooklyn has plenty of other activities to offer.

Battling Racism

Etiquette for Non-Indians

by John 2 Hawks


Pointers to help well-meaning folks avoid being
unknowingly impolite to American Indian people
Don't ask if we get money from the casino....

Don't bother telling the story about the arrowhead....

Don't pick up a rattle and shake it without at least asking....

Avoid the 'who looks more Indian' stuff....

Don't touch or pick up our personal belongings without asking....

Use the word 'Nation' instead of 'tribe'....

Refer to Indian traditional clothing as regalia, not a 'costume'....

Avoid the 'how much Indian are you' questions....

Don't ask if we are 'full-blood' or 'pure-Indian'....

Don't ask "Are you a real Indian"....

Don't ask 'can I touch you?'....

Avoid interupting, especially with elders....
All in all, be as respectful and courteous as you would
with any other ethnic group and you'll avoid being
unknowingly disrespectful to Indigenous people.

(A good test is to apply the above scenarios to another
ethnic group to get an understanding of just how
offensive they can be)
(All of the above scenarios are based on actual experiences from me, relatives and friends.)
Danille the creater of this site is caucasion. He has writtin books about the resugence movment. The creature was of this site was just stating on what taino and other indians have to do to prove there identity.

Danile comments " lot of you seem to have a lot of hate for when a lot of you clearly have some European ancestors"

This is we are talking about. This is part of the lesson to me. Listen how can you define us on the color of our skin. I can take you to a north amercian reservation where they have no admixute and thy all look diffrent in looks and in complextion. Some are as light as me and some are brown. I an ray are about the same complextion. Who is not to say he is the full blooded native while i could just be 75% or 50%. Look columbus and bartolome de las casas stated this too. That the taino and other ameridian varied in complextion. They even wrote some were even the complextion of europeans. With that said in the past I have checked to see if I have european ancestory. Dead end only indian came up.


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