
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




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  • AkuTurey
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Profile Information

About Me:
I'm 53, grandmother to a great little girl, I speak 3 languages. I'm Cuban & from Camaguey. Very proud to be Cuban, even though I don't remember much about Cuba. We left in 1956, when I was 2. We lived in Manhattan, 15th St between 7th & 8th Ave. My grandparents are from the Canary Islands. I regret not having lived in Cuban neighborhoods (Union City, North Bergen, New Jersey) , but my mother never wanted to live in a really Cuban area, she said they were terrible gossips. She may have been right, but we missed out on most of the Cuban culture. My brother is FrankAku Turey & my niece is Ivy Quintero.
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Research Interests:
would like to know who in my family has Indian blood. My maternal grandmother was not from the Canary Islands, my mother doesn't know much about her or her grandparents. She would ask her mother about the ancestors, & the answer would be: "what do want to know about that for?"

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At 4:36pm on September 16, 2008, AkuTurey said…
Carmen!I am using Ivy's computer...That is awful,so sad.Well,..hum..I do know that when Katrina hit,Castro had so many Doctors ready to go to help,and the U.S.said..."no",preferering Americans to die!-so I guess it would be hard to accept help from the U.S.,cause it is actually meant as an insult-I don't know,I just don,t know!
At 1:34pm on September 6, 2008, AkuTurey said…
Hi,yes,I was talking about Paula,and Paul,s moyher,and perhaps Puala's mother's HUSBAND-but what we know for SURE,is that the Native blood comes fron the females,as a certainty...some of those males(except our male grandparents-I don,t know about great-great grandpapis-ALSo had Native blood,most likely,as would make sense.Call you later.,Frank
At 8:47am on August 30, 2008, Ivy said…
Hi Tia Carmen! Good to see you on here. How is everything? I can't wait til you can finally meet Antonio! Maybe in November, I'm thinking of having a birthday party for Adrian and inviting you and Danny. Well, hope all is well, keep in touch...xoxo Ivy
At 7:47pm on August 29, 2008, Miguel Sague Jr said…
Greetings Maria...I am happ that you have joined this community and that you have decided to add me to you friends list. i look foward to communicating with you.
Taino Ti
At 4:11pm on August 29, 2008, AkuTurey said…
Maria,where do think our test results came from? It was from at least 1 human of our "mothers":)
If you have another explanation as to where we get "Haplogroup A', please share it with me!
At 4:02pm on August 29, 2008, AkuTurey said…
Perhaps-but"Haplogroup A" does NOT describe the majority,or ANY part of mediterrainean women!
At 3:44pm on August 29, 2008, AkuTurey said…
I see the MISTAKE you made-you said on the"About ME" section that ypour "grandparents were from the Canary Islands",and yet you said in "Research Interests"that your grandmother was born in CUBA-There is the contradiction/Mistake.Actually,Pauls AND Lorenzo Alonso Martinez were BOTH BORN IN CUBA.His parents were born in Canaries-BUT NOT Paula's parents-FOR SURE MARIA CHAVEZ was born in Cuba,and Paula who was short,black-haired,and dark,TOLD MOM that Maria Chavez,her mom was"SHORT",BLACK -HAIRED"and PRETTY"-well you can imagine then JUST HOW NATIVE SHE LOOKED!-AND your DNA TEST tells you that you HAVE Native American DNA-"Haplogroup A"!It all makes sense-like I said, unless ALL your people came from Canaries ,Africa or Spain,you are going to have Taino blood !Over a THIRD of people in Cuba,and 75% of your people from CAMAGUEY-so,welcome aboard,and correct your page,the part about your grandparents being from the Canaries!-Your my sister,and people are going to think that I'm telling a lie!
At 3:10pm on August 29, 2008, AkuTurey said…
Maybe you don't undersatnd how it works...all it takes for the MtDNA to show up,would be a SPaniard that first showed up in Cuba,Mates with a Taina...she has kids-who are Mestizo-some look pure Taino,some look white,some look,5 generations later,there may not have been another Indian there,it STILL shows up-that's why it is such a good marker-it doesn't change.The Spanish had almost no women of their own,they all had Taina women,and SO....That,let's say first Taina Mother of ours,her kids ARE MIXED-they will marry OTHER MIXED KIDS!,the chances were EXTREMELY HIGH,fro the reasons I just explained.SOoooo,Maria Chavez-she could've been full-blooded,or half,or even a quarter-our great-greatgrandmother-Maria Chavez's mother-what percentage was she?-her husband,our great-great grandfather,he could very well have been part Taino/Ciboney,AFTERR ALL THE INHABITANTS OF CUBA WERE ALL INDIANS!-and the Spanish had very little women of thier own-these people were Mestizos,just afew generations back...It's ONLY BEEN 500 YEARS!,and that would be the earliest when our Taino Mother happened,it could have been only 150 years ago,for a pure blooded,but certainly,Maria Chavez carried the DNA ,OR IT WOULDN"T SHOW UP ON OUR TEST RESULTS!-If Danny were to do the MtDNA test-it would come up the same-"Haplogroup A",cause YOU have passed the INDIAN DNA to your son.Now,his daughter,it won't show,it will show her mother's line-the females.I hope this clarifies something,mcause I read what you put up,and I thought,"How is she saying that,it's already proven that she has Native DNA!?
At 2:50pm on August 29, 2008, AkuTurey said…
In response to what you put up on your page,that I just noticed-MY GOD!-You are the one who had the females DNA tested!- "HAPLOGROUP A"is NAtive American blood-have you not checked it all out on NAtional Geographic,with your I.D.,or Kit #?!It comes through the females-Maria Chavez,our great grandmother,whom mom hardly ever saw,was described by Paula to mom,and Paula said her mother was very short,black hair and pretty woman-those diminuative features are typically Caribbean Indian as described by the Spanish Chronicalers .BUT the REAL FACT is the DNA that YOU and I carry,and is VERY consistent with the latest research done on Cubans-and in our area of Camaguey,75% of our people have Mitochondrial DNA that is Native,as in "Haplogroup A".Did you FORGET that you did the cheek swab,and had gotten the results-?-this is a mystery to me.
At 2:40pm on August 29, 2008, AkuTurey said…
Forgot to per my "look"...I've seen blondes,who have NAtive blood and clain it-I've seen that in N.America a lot,in many authors of books and workshops.At least,I don't look like that!-( Just Kidding!!no offense to the several blondes on here,this is a joke with my sister,we actually do have blondes in our family,as there are many blondes ,redheads in Spain,as most on here know!)Beside Maria(Carmen),you haven't seen the latest DNA study that say's in Cuba-in general,33%of the people have MtDNA that is NAtive-and we're "we're"ffrom-CAMAGUEY-get this-75%!!!that's huge.Go to my discussions and usse the link to see a 5 page,with pictures article on Cuba,that is a real "eye-opener"explaining why they covered up always Cuba's Native population.See ya.

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