Good day, I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it is necessary for me to write to you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for full details. Best regards,
I would like to know if there are native communities in your island.
What are their name ? Their location ?
I'm writing a book about the amerindian's heritage in the Caribbean culture.
As a french anthropologist, I have already plenty informations about the french west indies.
So, your help will be appreciate and credited.
Thank you for sharing.
Welcome to ICN Shenica, my name is Carrie, I am one of the co-administrators here. Please read through our members Code of Conduct. I look forward to getting to know you better.
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Good day,
I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it is necessary for me to write to you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for full details.
Best regards,
What are their name ? Their location ?
I'm writing a book about the amerindian's heritage in the Caribbean culture.
As a french anthropologist, I have already plenty informations about the french west indies.
So, your help will be appreciate and credited.
Thank you for sharing.
Is there anything that you can share about taino in Jamaica. I have always been intersted in my peoples surviviol in jamaica.
Daca taino kiskeya (I am a taino from kiskeya aka dominican rep)
Welcome sister.