Would you like to participate in dream research?
I am collecting data for my Ph.D. dissertation research. For this particular research I am looking for participants who have experienced Shared Dreaming. This is when two people have the same dream. For this research participants must be born in the United States (this includes territories too, of course), must be 18 years or older, and have been in an intimate relationship with the person with whom they experienced the Shared Dreaming. They must have a good memory of the experience, be willing to answer questionnaires regarding personality and experience, and be willing to share their experience of Shared Dreaming in detail.
If you meet the above qualifications for this research and would like to participate please visit http://www.dreamingresearch.com and follow the instructions. If you would like to communicate with the researcher, Frank Pascoe, please email frank@mysticalcompany.com and place Shared Dreaming Research in the subject line.
If you are interested in participating in dream research but don't qualify for this particular study, you can place your name on my email list:
To learn more about Frank Pascoe visit: http://www.mysticalcompany.com/pascoeF.php
Please share this information with your friends. Everybody dreams every night... finding people that have experienced Shared Dreaming requires that a lot of people hear about this research.
Having spent part of my childhood growing up in Venezuela I am very conscious of how different cultural attitudes affect our experience of dreaming. My goal is to conduct research along these lines in the near future. I just have to finish my Ph.D. first!!
We are each other's Dreams,
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