At 7:34pm on February 3, 2009, Debra Rincon Lopez said…
Klamath Tribes in southern Oregon buys back part of the lost reservation-and with that returns the tradition of caring for and being nurtured by the land. The Klamath,Modoc & Yahooskin peoples who make up the Klamath Tribes, entered into an option agreement Dec. 18. 2008. To purchase teh 90,000-acre Mazama Forest in south central Oregon near our tribal homeland of Chiloquin-also known as the Mazama Tree Farm. The forest was once part of 1.2 million acres reserved in te 1864 treaty, but liquidated by Congress in 1954 during the now repudiated policies of the Termination Era. The tribe regained federal recognition in 1986-but a land base was not returned with restoration. For more information you can contact me or
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