This clip from a documentary about the use of apena (cohoba) hallucinogenic snuff among the Yanomamo demonstrates the effect that the drug has on the nasal passages. The nose of the person inhaling the snuff tends to run profusely. This supports the narrative put forth by the 15th century chronicler Pedro Martyr De Anghiera that the thing called "guanguayo" which the Taino legendary chharacter Bayamanako hurled at the back of the other legendary character Deminan was, in fact, a wad of mucus from his nose. This is supported by the fact that the original Ramon Pane text mentions that the guanguayo had cohoba snuff in it. This would be logicall since a wad of Bayamanako's mucus would indeed be laced with the cohoba powder that the shaman had been inhaling when Deminan walked in on him.
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