
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Takaji Relatives,

 I am making Mayohoucans for our relatives. Woman and men are able to be a mayohoucan keeper.

I have a list of people wanting. and am willing to make one for anyone who wants one.

The Mayo is the sound of our people in many ways, we played them for weeks at a time. My teacher Makanaxeiti has taught me they are related to the Koki, However I hear there are no Koki's on other Islands except Boriken.

I find the mayo to be related to the Inriri (woodpecker). I am learning more on this precious instrument and asking for more teachings on the subject.

If anyone could share with me I would be grateful.

Taino Ti - Akitchitay Urayoel

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Takahi, Natiao,

I just happened yto see your announcement.It sounds interesting to me about your unique and sacred talent, the making of the mayohuacan. How much do they run$? A few years ago I met a native of Hawaii and she told me that our loved coqui was a resident of Hawaii. She also said, that it was taking over their native cricket. We talked about the possibility of transport due to commerce. Afterall, Hawaii's climate is similar to ours!  

Are you coming to the Ohio Sostice or am I dreaming:)

Seneko Kakona,

Xochitl AnaO

Yes I will be at the solstice ceremony at your place. I look. Forward to this.  I would like to build relations with your commûnity and celebrate solstice.  See you soon

Jan Jan catu - Akitchitay

Mi 'tiao,

It is important that we communicate soon. Your phone number seems to be out of order. I hope everything is alright with you. I look forward to your response.

Seneko Kakona, Xochitl AnaO


I had to make some changes with my communication system. Here is my home number 570-243-8049 I am home after 3pm during the week. Bohike Miguel has my number but I am not sharing it with to many people.

I hope all is well with you and my Cherokee sister

Tai Karaya - Akitchitay

What kind of wood (or bamboo) are you using to make mayohuacans?

Takaji, I use beachwood, maple, what ever I can find that will be able to be transformed to a Mayo. Its not that easy to fins the right log so I use what available. Akitchitay

Hahom for your reply!

Could you send instructions on how to make, I would like to put together for our Pittsburgh Caney, a workshop and instruction on making our wonderful Mayohoucan. Thank you for any help and support. 

Dee....Akichitai Urayoel is sometimes a little hard to reach here in Indigenous Caribbean Network. I suggest to contact him on facebook try this facebook LINK

Thank you Migual, I did reach out via facebook. I hope to bring a workshop soon.


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