
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Takaji datiaono
Para mi fue un honor guiar la ceremonia sagrada Taina de Luna Llena segun la tradicion del Circulo Espiritual Indigena Caney en la casa de nuestro hermano Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez en la ciudad de Union, New Jersey este Sabado pasado 29 de Agosto 2015.

It was for me an honor to guide the sacred Taino Full Moon Ceremony in the tradition of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle at the home of our brother Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez in the city of Union, New Jersey this past Saturday August 29 2015


Fui invitado por Tomas a oficiar la ceremonia alli en su casa, y el se encargo de anunciar el evento en el grupo de facebook que el modera, TAINO 101. Un numero de tainos de esta region respondieron con su presencia y asi nos encontramos en comunidad

I was invited by Tomas to lead the ritual at his house and he posted a general invitation in the facebook group that he moderates, TAINO 101. A number of Tainos from around the region responded by showing up and we found ourselves in community.

Esta fue una oportunidad magnifica para compartir la tradicion espiritual de nuestro pueblo. Se discutio el tema de nuestra madre espiritual Atabey cuyo ciclo sagrado de veintiocho dias estabamos celebrando en ese momento con su significado de la ferrilidad del vientre materno, el vinculo que existe entre el ciclo de fertilidad de la mujer cosmica y el de las mujeres humanas. Tambien comparti la sabiduria ancestral con respecto a Yokahu, el espiritu de la vida y la energia solar que tambien es hijo de la madre Atabey y cuya presencia entre nosotros se expresa mas dramaticamente en el tuberculo de la yuca que sirve como almacen accesible de energia solar en forma de carbohidrato alimenticio.

This was a perfect opportunity to share the spiritual tradition of our people. We discussed the topic of our spiritual mother Atabey whose sacred cycle of twenty eight days we were celebrating at that moment with its significance of the maternal womb's creative fertility, the link that exists between the fertility cycle of the cosmic mother and the fertility cycle of human women. I also shared the ancestral wisdom concerning Yokahu, the spirit of Life and solar energy, who is also a child of the mother Atabey and whose presence among us here on earth finds its most dramatic manifestation in the tuber of the yuca plant that serves as a magical accessible storehouse of solar energy in the form of nutritious carbohydrate.

Las palabras de los cantos sagrados del CIRCULO ESPIRITUAL CANEY sonaron con amor y alegria y se levantaron a los oidos de los antepasados y los cemies en el humo del tabonuko, expresadas por las voces de nuestros tiaono y acompa~adas por el ritmo de maracas, guamos, y mayohuacan.

The words to the sacred songs of the CANEY SPIRITUAL CIRCLE rose in a cloud of tabonuco smoke to the ears of our ancestors with love and joy, expressed in the voices of our Taino brothers and sisters, and accompanied by the sound of maracas, guamo seashell trumpet and mayohuakan drum

Nuestra hermana Kalichi'naru Lebron nos honro con su represenacion simbolica de Atabey. Ella fue la que se encargo de prender las dos antorchas que simbolizan la doble luz de la luna llena, y ella fue la que pronuncio la oracion mas importante de esta ceremonia, las palabras sagradas: "NOSOTRAS LAS MUJERES TENEMOS DENTRO DE NUESTROS CUERPOS EL RITMO DEL UNIVERSO"

Our sister Kalichi'naru Lebron honored us with her symbolic representation of Atabey. It was she who took on the responsibility of lightning the two torches that represent the double light of the full moon, and it was she who uttered the most important prayer if this ceremony, the sacred words: "WE WOMEN HAVE WITHIN US THE RHYTHM OF THE UNIVERSE".


Que alegria me causo el tener la oportunidad de conocer en persona por primera vez a nuestro nuevo behike en entrenamiento del Circulo Caney, Heriberto Guaragua'Niki Martinez, quien nos representa en el norte del estado de Nueva York. Pude darle sus cemies para hacerle mas facil la labor de celebrar los ritos del Circulo Caney en su region.

What a joy it caused me to have the opportunity to meet for the first time in person our new behike-in-training of the Caney Circle, Heriberto Guaragua'Niki Martinez, who represents us in the region of upstate New York. I was able to give him the cemies that will make his work easier celebrating the rites of the Caney Circle in his region.

Full Moon ceremony Union New Jersey Aug 2015


Llevo en mi alma una gratitud muy especial para nuestro hermano Tomas Baibramael y su esposa Linda Matunmyaru, quienes abrieron las puertas de su hogar con mucha generosidad y amor para crear alli un foro sagrado donde se desenvolvio esta preciosa actividad. Bo Matun guaitiaono. Seneko Kakona, Taino Ti.

I hold in my soul a very special gratitude for our brother Tomas Baibramael and his wife Linda Myatunmaru, who opened the doors of their home with great generosity so as to create there a forum whithin which this precious activity could be carried out. Seneko Kakona, Taino Ti.

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