Tau My Relatives
High up in the Northern Georgia Appalachians, near the border with Tennesee a group of almost three hundred humans gathered this past Saturday to observe the Spring Equinox in keeping with the prophetic messages of the Otomi elders of Mexico. I had the honor or being present at this event and participated along with native peoples of many nations of the Americas as well as brothers and sisters of other races.
The event was organized by one of our own, a Taina by the name of Monika Mamona (a member of this network), who resides in that area not far from the location of the gathering. She was assisted by her Tsegaly (Cherokee) husband, Fulton, who performed the sacred duty of fire tending, and by Monika's dedicated red-headed partner in crime, the Irish storm woman Molly who, among other duties, travelled all the way to Chattanooga Tennesee to pick up myself and my blood brother Daniel Morales. We arrived there from Pittsburgh early Saturday morning.
Also in attendance was another Taina sister living in the Georgia area, Mukara, and the Florida liason representative of the United Confederation of Taino People, Grandmother Karaira who travelled all the way from the Miami area to celebrate this sacred ceremony with her brothers and sisters of all races. I was thrilled to finally meet our Cree sister Jainie (BlueSkyWoman) who is a member of this network. She was there and honored us all with a wonderful offerng of dream and vision from her own Cree tradition. I had the pleasure to meet her Taino husband Ramon and their wonderful children
It was a deeply inspiring and profound experience for me to be surrounded by my own Taino people at this event, as well as so many other like-minded brothers and sisters and the fact that it was held in a breathtakingly beautiful location in unseasonably warm and sunny weather made the whole experience nothing short of magical.
The drumming was led most of the time by a local well-established Native American Tsegaly drum group.
During the event our sister Monika requested that I share of the Caney tradition with the group and since we were honoring the Earth mother I led the group in our Caney Spiritual Circle Ata Bey song.
The event was co-ordinated to coincide with similar drumming gatherings in many other parts of the world and also harmonized with similar Taino inspired Equinox events in New York City, Western New York state, Florida and elsewhere.
The Earth Mother blessed us all for our concern with the healing of the planet.
Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko koromo Sague