
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Full Moon Ceremony

Tau My Relatives
We had the pleasure of sharing our Full Moon Ceremony in Pittsburgh
with our brother from New Jersey, beike Chris Siba Boinael this past
Sunday Feb 9, 2009.

The Full Moon Ceremony
of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle is a tribute to the obvious
relationship between the human women of the world and the Divine
Woman, Ata Bey the Cosmic Matriarch.

Every 28+ days the Divine Woman manifests her universal fertility,
her ability to produce and support life, by manifesting a monthly
cycle encoded in the sequential lunations of the moon. This monthly
cycle is reflected almost perfectly in a similar 28 day sequence
that manifests itself within the body of human women. In human women
also, this monthly cycle represents fertility.

It is very important for all Tainos to recognize and celebrate this
cycle because it represents our most important tribute to the sacred
female in our community and in the Universe. The celebration of the
Full Moon Ceremony makes allusions to all of the most important
elements of the relationship that exists between the Divine Woman
and the human women. We recognize that the waters of the Earth,
lakes, rivers, streams and most importantly, the sea, represent the
very blood of the Earth Mother. She is also perceived as a Water
Mother by us. We recognize that the salty sea is an almost perfect
equivalent to human blood plasma. The salinity of both of these
sacred liquids is almost identical. We reflect on the fact that
other chemical and mineral components of sea water are also very
similar to the chemical and mineral components of human blood, and
that during the cyclical rise and fall of the marine tides the moon
affects the water with its gravitational pull reminding us of the
rise and fall of blood within the body of a woman during her
menstrual cycle.

These remarkable parallels are celebrated by us in our ceremony as
we sing the songs to Ata Bey praising and hailing the female
manifestation of the Moon Spirit, Maroya, and addressing her as
the "flowery woman". We also address the female forces of nature
with a sacred prayer that establishes the parallel between women and
Cosmic Matriarch. The prayer remarks that "Our Women Have Within
Them The Rhythm Of The Universe".
Happy Full Moon

Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague

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Replies to This Discussion

Tau my Friends and Family:
Thank you Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague. I love the way you explain ceremonies and explain about the Taino traditions. Very clear and very understanding. I too celebrated the Full Moon ceremony this past weekend starting on Saturday evening in the quiet of my home in Iowa. I extended the ceremony on to Sunday when I took my Mother (who is in the advance stages of Alzhiemers) out for a ride to revisit the American Bald Eagles that return every year to Iowa (of all places) to rebuild their nests for new birth, new life and new beginings. It is truely a breath taking experience and I feel blessed and honored to be witness to their return. I was able to pull aside the road near a wooded area near the river and leave my offerings of corn, black beans, squash, tobacco and copal.
The Full Moon and the return of the Eagles give me hope and helps me realize to not look back at the past and only see the hardships that have happened, but to look at the future and what good will come. It was a very strong Sacret and Spiritual moment. It became even more Spiritual when my sweet Mother was able to recall "seeing the Eagles" when talking with my sister later in the evening.
I tried to send some pictures of this magnificent bird flying but I ended up loosing the whole messaged prior to this one.. Anyway, I will keep trying to show a picture or two of our beautiful Eagles.
Their visits here are brief. They come in January and leave mid to late March. Just in time for Spring Equinox. It is my understanding they come from Canada and they are a creature of rituals. Therefore they return to the same nesting place annually to lay their eggs and bring new beauty into the world.

Taino Ti
Tau Maria
Bo Matun (Thank you) for your beautiful sharing. It is fitting that you experience this miracle with your mother during the Full Moon observance since this return of the eagles to nest is all about fertility, the continued promotion of Life and the nurturance of motherhood, all of which are vital elements of the messge that I posted concerning the Full Moon Ceremony.
Taino Ti
Tau Natiao y Familia
Bo'matum for your your words. As a child, I was taught that we shared in the sacredness of fertility with Atabey. I was taught to take care of the earth and she would take care of us. When Guadalupe appeared to Cuatlatzin (San Juan Diego), it was believed that she was Tonantzin (mother of fertility). I have always believed that our sacred mother, Guadalupe, Atabey, Tonantzin,etc.) are one in the same. She cares for her Native children. We must honor her and take care of our "grandmother earth"
Rose Xochitl AnaO Quinones DelValle
Tau Rose
You are absolutely correct. Guadalupe is just a syncretic manifestation of Tonantzin in Mexico. And the beauty of it is that this apparent manifestation of the Christian Virgin Mary was, in fact, already, a syncretic revelation of equally ancient mother goddesses who were revered by pre-christian pagan Iberians and Celts living in what eventually became Spain. Having the very patriarchal Christian religion shoved down their throats did not prevent them from continuing to revere and honor the ancient Celt-Iberian mother goddess in the form of the Virgin Mary. And later this presumed Christian saint was adopted by the Native Aztecs in Mexico and given the sacred identity of Tonantzin.
The same thing happened to our own taino ancestors with an image now known as "Our Lady Of Charity Of El Cobre". Like Tonantzin she also was discovered by Indans and brought to the Spanish authorities. She also is a manifestation of our own AtaBey. I invite you to read an expanded version of the story of Our Lady of Charity in my blog
Blessings to you and your loved ones Rose

Taino Ti
Tau Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague:
It is a blessing to hear that so many of us still celebrate Moon Time. I recall when I first celebrated this time with my daughter. It just so happened that her first "moon time" came at the same time of our Great Mother Ata Bey. I live near the woods, so my daughter and I took a walk and we performed our sacred ceremony. It was a quiet, reflective time, spent in prayer and sharing stories. I felt such a connection with, not only my daughter, but also with the Divine Mother.
Taino Ti
Tau Sister
It makes me so happy to become aware how many of our brothers and sisters have instinctively taken to celebrating this powerful monthly natural phenomenon. May I offer you the free use of our Caney Spiritual Circle chants and songs to help you observe these cycles? We do this in the Taino language.
Attached to this post are two files; one file is the actual sound file for our Caney Circle Full Moon Ceremony chant. the other file is a Microsoft Word file with the lyrics to the song
I hope that this is something that can be of help to you.
If you are ever interested in any other of our songs, we offer them to our brothers and sisters for free. You are welcome to any or all of them
Taino Ti


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