
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Tau My Relatives

We are arriving at a very important nexus date of the on-going Maya Calendar Venus Cycle. The Venus Cycle is a significant series of astronomical events which manifest themselves in asociation with the repetitive movements of the planet Venus, one of the brightest objects of the night sky. The series in question includes a significant, regularly predictable number of days that the planet appears as a morningstar hovering above the eastern horizon just before sunrise. This "Morningstar" phenonmenon is followed by another one which features the dissappearance of the planet from view due to the fact that it begins to rise at the same time as the sun and the glare of the sun blots it out of sight. This particular series also lasts a specific relatively predictable number of days, and is called "Superior Conjunction". This second phenomenon is followed by another series of days in which the planet Venus appears above the western horizon in the evening just after sunset. This is called "Eveninstar". Finally the eveningstar phenomenon is followed by a brief period of eight days during which the planet sets at the same time in the west as the sun and therefore is again blotted out of sight by the sun's bright light. This is called "Inferior Conjunction".

This recurrence of four separate phenomena is called the "VENUS CYCLE". One Venus Cycle includes the full gamut of days that it takes for the planet to go through all four of the aforementioned phenomena. It takes about 584 days for this whole cycle to run its course. The days on which each of the four phenomena of the cycle approximately begins were considered sacred by the ancient Maya and comprised a system that they held in extremely high esteem. The ancient Mayas understood that the various series of this cycle indicated important dates in the Mayan Calendar that reflected forces which influencing the lives of humans. I have found that following the patterns of these cycles has made it easier for me to understand the many strange twists that life takes for me personally and for our Taino people as a whole, since the Maya shared this wisdom with our ancestors and they surely comprehended its intricacies.

In the ancient Maya tradition the most important day of a first Morningstar rising was early morning before dawn on the Mayan date "Ahau". The last time a Venus first morningstar phenomenon coincided with the Mayan date Ahau was April 3 2001, about eight years ago. On that day the Maya day-name Ahau happened to coincide with the Mayan Day-number 1. This is a remarkable coincidence because in Maya tradition a first day of morningstar phenomenon does not coincide with the Mayan Date 1-Ahau but once every 104 years. This enormous period of time is called a Mayan Venus Round and it always begins and ends with the Mayan date 1-Ahau.

I felt fortunate to have known when this powerful date was due to arrive and I made sure to celebrate it in an appropriate manner back in 2001. The portents borne by this 2001 date, of a significant new sequence filled with peril and hope which would eventually lead to the Mayan Calendar transition date of 2012 was borne out by the 9-11 tragedy later that same year.

The Mayan Venus cycle system works in the form of consecutive repetitions. Each repetition has its own meaning and is read as an oracle. The fundamental repetitions are the 584-day cycles that I mentioned earlier. These repeat 5 times, each one beginning with a new Venus morningstar first day appearance which coincides with one of five different day-signs of the Mayan calendar starting with the day-sign "Ahau" as I said before. After going through five separate cycles, each one lasting 584 days and each one begining with a different one of the five dedicated day signs, the whole thing begins again and Venus again rises approximately on an Ahau date, this time on a different day number, but definitely on the day-sign "Ahau". It takes about eight years for Venus to again rise as a morningstar on the Mayan day Ahau. After this 8-year sequence the Mayan day-name Ahau now rises accompanied by a different number, as I already mentioned. This eight-year period is called a "Venus Sequence" and includes five Venus Cycles. It takes 13 of these eight-year sequences to complete a 104-year Venus Round.

Each Venus sequence begins on the Mayan day-name "Ahau" accompanied by a different day-number, for example 3-Ahau, or 12-Ahau, or 10-Ahau. As I mentioned earlier, it takes approximately 104 years/ 13 Venus Sequences for the extraordinary phenomenon of a Venus morningstar rising coinciding with the Mayan date 1-Ahau. That happened on April 3, 2001 and will not happen again for another 104 years since that day, but this coming April will mark the eighth year since that remarkable 2001 date. Venus will rise as a morningstar on April 1, 2009 on the Maya date 9-Ahau. The conclusion of an eight-year/five-cycle sequence is not considered as earth-shaking as the completion of a 104-year Venus Round but it is still important. This important event will be preceded by the begining of the eight-day Inferior conjunction on March 24 (Mayan Date 1-Eb) and conclude on April 1 (9-Ahau). After that we enter a whole new eight-year sequence.

I invite you, my brothers and sisters to join with me from your own homes, from your own personal sacred spaces, to pray and meditate along with me in harmony with the powerful spiritual forces that guide us all on those two important Mayan calendar dates, March 24, 2009(1-EB) the first day of Inferior Conjunction, and April 1, 2009 (9-Ahau) the first day of Venus Morningstar apperances, which is also the first day of the new Venus sequence. This is Venus sequence number 2. Venus sequence number 1 began back in April of 2001. Venus sequence number 3 is another eight years away in April of 2017.

I will keep you appraised as these important dates get closer and I will share with you what the oracle reveals in the day-signs and day numbers of the Mayan calendar during those dates.

Taino Ti

Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague

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Tau My Relatives
Yesterday was March 24. As I alerted you in this post That day cosntituted the approximate beginning of this Venus cycle's INFERIOR CONJUNCTION. The significant Mayan day name for yesterday's date was "Eb" which has the concept "road" as one of its mystical interpretations. According to the Mayan seed casting oracle that I conducted last night this represents the triumphant return of the legendary heroic twins from the realm of darkness and peril after their adventures and struggles with the Lords of Negativity. I interpret this as a symbol of our own return from the place of peril and danger. We as a species, the human race, have gone through a phase of profound problems. I feel that the economic chaos that exists in the world today and the earth-threatening dangers posed bu environmental degradation of the planet are both part of that crisis. I feel that the Mayan augury not only indicates the depth of that problem but also the fact that we as a people are now on the right track for a recovery. I don't believe that the recovery is guaranteed. i feel we have to work at it very diligently but I feel that the signs are very favorable and that many of us have the right idea. We just have to dedicate ourselves to the task at hand. The road to recovery will not be without obstacles but none of these obstacles are insurmountable.

I will speak to these subjects further in future posts.

Taino Ti
Hola .Me puedes explicar esto por pedazo? Es que no entiendo esto muy bien.Gracias


Tau hermana
El elemento mas importante de la cultura maya es el tiempo. El tiempo se considera como la cuarta dimension y representa la base fundamental del proceso de la creacion. Esta es la razon por la cual para los mayas el calendario es una cosa muy sagrada.

La narracion sagrada mas importante de los mayas es un mito que presentemente se conoce con el nombre "EL POPOL VUH". El Popol Vuh contiene una seccion que relata las aventuras de dos heroes hermanos llamados Hun Ahpu y IxBalanQue. A estos dos heroes se les da la responsabilidad de enfrentarse con un cadre de supervillanos llamados los "SE~ONRES DE XIBALBA". Los Se~ores De Xibalba representan todo lo que es negativo y destructor en la cultura Indigena de Centro Amerca. Estos seres diabolicos representan una forma de tirania que impide el hecho sagrado de la creacion. En esa era primordial ellos logran evitar que se manifeste el primer amanecer. Ellos logran impedir que nazca el sol con una estrategia funestre. La estrategia se basa en el hecho de establecer un falso sol y montar ese impostor en el sitio mas alto del arbol cosmico cuyas ramas alcansan hasta el cielo. El impostor, un ser arrogante y orgulloso llamado SIETE PAPAGALLO, toma su lugar en la rama del arbol cosmico y comienza una griteria espantosa, vanagloriandose con las siguientes palabras: "Yo soy el verdadero sol. Mirad my goria y asombraos con el reluciente brillo de mis joyas sagradas." Y es verdad que ese ser arrogante estaba dotado de maravillosas joyas que eran dones obtenidos de los Se~ores De Xibalba. Algunas de esas alajas formaban parte de su cuerpo fisico, pues los Se~ores diabolicos habian dotado a SIETE PAPAGALLO con una dentadura lujosa de joyas brillantes y tambien le habian decorado los ojos con semejante lujo.

El brillo refulgante de SIETE PAPAGALLO causo que la Conciencia Cosmica se sumergiera en algo como un hipnotizo magico. Enga~ada por el brillo del ser maleficiente, la Conciencia Cosmica olvido la nececidad de que hubiera un proceso de creacion. Ese hecho en fin logro detener el paso del sol verdadero y asi de esa manera impedio el primer amanecer. No hubo Creacion.

Hubo nececidad de que los antiguos Espiritus Creadores engengraran los heroes gemelos HunAhpu y IxBalanque para que estos hermanos se enfrentaran con los enemigos del proceso creador y los derrotaran. El confrontamiento no fue facil. Los gemelos sufrieron rigorosas aventuras y muchas veces durante la narracion se encontraron muy cerca de la muerte. Pero al fin ellos triunfaron. Derrotaron a los tiranos de Xibalba. Libraron a la Conciencia Cosmica del hechizo de SIETE PAPAGALLO y establecieron las condiciones bajo las cuales fue posible que se produjera el primer amanecer.

Cuando el verdadero sol comenzo su jornada diaria atravez del domo celeste el proceso de Creacion pudo comenzar, pues el transcurso de los dias, uno tras el otro que representan el proceso evolutivo del TIEMPO es imprecindible en la mitologia maya para que pueda efectuarse la creacion. Ya comenzada la creacion los espiritus creadores formaron la tierra, los arboles, las monta~as, los animales, los seres humanos, etc. Nada de esto era posible si no hubirean derrotado primero a los Se~ores De Xibalba.

Las aventuras de los sagrados gemelos en la zona subterranea de Xibalba son simbolicamente representadas por los nombres de ciertos dias del calendario maya. Por ejemplo, Hay un episodio de la narracion en el cual los gemelos se encuentran atrapados en una cueva terrible donde abundan unos tigres feroces que se los quieren devorar. Esa aventura es representada en el calendario maya por el dia maya llamado "IX" que es una palabra que se identifica con el tigre (o jaguar). los ciclos del planeta Venus estan organizados de tal manera que las etapas mas importantes de estos ciclos sicronizan casi perfectamente con ciertos dias en el calendario maya. Esos dias simbolizan las anecdotas mas importantes del Popol Vuh.

Los ciclos del planeta Venus coinciden con esos dias que representan las anecdotas claves de la narracion sagrada, POPOL VUH. Por ejemplo, el dia Julio 17 de 2008 el planeta Venus entro en la seccion de su ciclo cuando comienza a manifestarse como el lucero de la noche. Da la casualidad que ese mismo dia Julio 17 es el dia maya "IK" que es una palabra asociada con el viento. Resulta que en la leyenda del POPOL VUH hay un episodio en el cual los gemelos heroicos se encuentran azotados por un fuerte viento muy frio que casi los mata. De esa manera cada punto importante del ciclo del planeta Venus, el dia cuando comienza a manifestarse como lucero del alba, el dia cuando hace coincidencia con el sol, etc. cada uno de esos puntos importantes es representado en el caledario maya por un dia sagrado que coincide en su simbolismo con una de las aventuras de los gemelos heroicos. Eso quiere decir que el proceso de los ciclos del planeta Venus es como que se esta contando un cuento sagrado en el firmamento.

Taino Ti
Miguel Sague
Las aventuras de los gemelos sagrados relatadas en los ciclos de Venus reflejan las aventuras de la raza humana durante esta era tan peligrosa de nuestra historia.
Tomorrow Mayan day 9 Ahau (April 1st), the approximate first day of Venus Morningstar risings, is the first day of a brand new eight-year VENUS SEQUENCE. This past eight years have been extremely eventful to say the very least. We look forward to greater accomplishment for the human race in this next eight-year long Venus sequence that begins tomorrow. This next eight-year long Venus Sequence contains the much awaited Dec 21st 2012 mayan prophetic date. I trust that you will all be joining me in crossing the great suspension bridge accross the chasm of oblivion into a brighter and more harmoneous New World Era.
Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague


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