
womens park permit 2023

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.



Takaji My Relatives
This past weekend the Pittsburgh area Indigenous organization COUNCIL OF THREE RIVERS AMERICAN INDIAN CENTER held its annual pow wow. My family here in Pittsburgh hosted my niece Crystal John, daughter of my sister Rosa (Sague) John, who is a Taino Canada-resident Native American arts and performance organization director. Crystal, nicknamed "Beanie" came to participate in our pow wow, an event in which she has been featured in the past as a star performer. She also came to celebrate her 18th birthday.
Hope you all enjoy the pics

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