We are the Earth and the Earth is us. Our connection to Nature is a connection that naver fails, it is sometimes us that fails to recognize our connection to Her.
A thorough training in the art of the Seashell Reading divination of the Caney Circle is only available to official behike trainees who have joined our training program. That said I will share here a partial explanation of the Caney Circle seashell divination. I want to stress to you that this is…
Nosotros los behikes y behikes-bajo-entrenaniento del Circulo Caney celebramos la ceremonia sagrada de Luna Llena a fines del mes de Febrero y principios del mes de Marzo 2018.We the behikes…
CEREMONIA LUNA LLENA ENERO--------FULL MOON CEREMONY JANUARY 2018Posted by Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague on February 7, 2018 at 8:30am…
Since 1983 the behikes of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE'S western Pennsylvania teaching lodge have historically celebrated many of the circle's ceremonies on the 20-acre hill-top site of the Council Of Three Rivers American Indian Center near the community of Dorseyville, just north of…
THESE ARE THE FIRST FOUR INSTALLMENTS IN THE SERIES CALLEDTAINO CHRONICLESThese are the sacred creation narrations passed down by our Caribbean Indigenous ancestors and interpreted by the elders of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE, an organization dedicated to sharing of the spiritual wisdom…
La tematica de las plantas medicinales de los antiguos tainos es un topico no bien conocido pues las escrituras de los cronistas coloniales peninsulares incluyen escasa informacion acerca de…
En una bella ceremonia llevada a cabo a las orillas del sagrado Rio Toa en la zona oriental de Cuba tuve el honor de devolverle a la comunidad taina de Baracoa el baston sagrado que…
Los behikes del CIRCULO ESPIRITUAL INDIGENA CANEY celebramos la ceremonia de Luna Llena a principios de este mes de Noviembre 2017.The behikes of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE…
An online forum dedicated to expounding the spiritual traditions of ancient and contemporary Taino people of the Caribbean as understood by the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE. Membership in this group does not make you a member in our Caney Circle. You need to enroll in the official membership community MECGC CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE to be a member. But as a part of this group you can get a taste of the Taino wisdom and tradition which we enjoy in the CANEY CIRCLE.