
Profile Information:

About Me:
University of Arizona roku neyepayáni. Natakima towáku auran Karifuna, ke neyepaya nhawáku nhauran Garifuna, Lokono, tuma Taíno. Wairikútinu wauran namoikani, buwitu warenahi nhaone.

I study at the University of Arizona. I work with the Karifuna language and I also study Garifuna, Lokono and Taíno. I believe that our languages are important and that we must revitalize them.
Graduate Student, Teaching Assistant
B.A. Education and Linguistics, Swarthmore College (2004)
M.A. Linguistics, University of Arizona (2008)
Contact Information:
kmjosephs at gmail dot com
Research Interests:
Caribbean Arawakan languages
Language Revitalization
My Website:

Comment Wall:

  • Maximilian Forte

    Keisha, it is great to see you here, and you start with a beautiful page too. Really, it is good fortune for all of us to have a common site with you as a member. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you encounter any difficulties with this site. Thanks again, and a very warm welcome to you.

    Peace and Blessings.
  • Jorge Baracutei Estevez

    Hi Keisha! Wow you have done a great job with your school and all! Congratulations! I lok forward to corresponding with you. BTW David says hello
  • Wellington Ramos

    Dear Keisha,
    I am very proud of your accomplishments. You are on a very important mission because there is still a lot of researches that is required to uncover more information about the resiliancy of this great culture.
    Garanigu Wagiya
    Wellington C. Ramos
  • Maximilian Forte

    Thanks very much Keisha. I am glad that group was created--the creation of indigenous language resources for the web has seen some of the brighest and most useful sites being created, and I know they have already been of benefit to many persons, even if we might not always hear from them directly or immediately.
  • Jorge Baracutei Estevez

    Taiwei Keisha! As soon as I get a moment (Super busy here at the Museum) I will join the group.
    Thank you!