Lorrie, it is great to see you in this network. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any trouble using the site, I will do whatever I can to help. Again, I am very happy to see you here, and I offer you a very warm, if somewhat belated, welcome.
How are you? Which library are working at? I have a relative living in your village,Brian Duncan. He was a soldier. What is your village doing for Carifesta next week?
Hi Lorrie. I wanted to ask: do you find the pages take very long to load? I am curious to know how members in different parts and with different connections might be experiencing the site, if it is too slow, or problematic in some other way.
Maximilian Forte
Jul 30, 2008
on the environmental round table. we love to hear your comments
Aug 1, 2008
Aug 7, 2008
How are you? Which library are working at? I have a relative living in your village,Brian Duncan. He was a soldier. What is your village doing for Carifesta next week?
Aug 13, 2008
you should start practicing ur makushi in here girl.
have fun and enjoy.
Aug 14, 2008
Maximilian Forte
Aug 14, 2008
Oct 8, 2008