Lorrie Laurindo




Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm kool .Always active
Primary level
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Comment Wall:

  • Maximilian Forte

    Lorrie, it is great to see you in this network. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any trouble using the site, I will do whatever I can to help. Again, I am very happy to see you here, and I offer you a very warm, if somewhat belated, welcome.
  • Caracoli

    Please tell us of your experiences with the drink "Maubi"
    on the environmental round table. we love to hear your comments
  • Arenahi

    Hello, welcome to the network. How's the weather over there in beautiful Guyana?
  • Belinda


    How are you? Which library are working at? I have a relative living in your village,Brian Duncan. He was a soldier. What is your village doing for Carifesta next week?
  • Franzea

    hey lorrie
    you should start practicing ur makushi in here girl.
    have fun and enjoy.
  • Maximilian Forte

    Hi Lorrie. I wanted to ask: do you find the pages take very long to load? I am curious to know how members in different parts and with different connections might be experiencing the site, if it is too slow, or problematic in some other way.
  • Arenahi

    Hi Lorrie, thanks for adding me as a friend.