Welcome George! I hope you find this site rewarding, and please let me know if you encounter any difficulties. You are part of a growing number of Guyanese who belong to this network, which is great to see. Thanks very much for joining.
Whoa! Just joined and already featured! Welcome to the network. If you're interested in language stuff feel free to join The Language Group http://indigenouscaribbean.ning.com/group/thelanguagegroup
Hi George,
Nice to see you on this website! I hope you remember me from the American Museum of Natural History where we both did the 1 day exhibit in January 2007. I now work with a graphic designer from Guyana.
Hello George,
Your name caught my attention...its my grandfather's name. Although he was a Machusi, his wife was an Ariguna....they both passed away - but we could be related :)
I just happened upon your page after posting on some blogs and I came to see you're from Guyana. My Lady is Guyanese of East Indian descent and she did get to spend some time with the Arawak of Guyana. Although she's not Native, for the past 4 years we've been together, she's learned more of My Native ancestors, just like I've learned of her roots. She's from West Coast Demarara, Anacaterina. I look forward to going to Guyana, and meeting my Native brethren there!!! I would love to stay in touch!!! Your new friend (I hope)
Kutumanama (Condor of the Great Mountains)---Taino
W'AMORETE BUKIA TAU'HIAKA, BUKIA ARAWA, O BUSIKA BUKIA TAI NIKKI O HUBA NISHI!!! (May our Creator bless you, your people, and grant you good spirits and a strong heart!!!)
Thank you very much for the greetings u are most welcomed and I will gave my parents your regards and you have a blessed 2009 along with family May God continue to pour His love on your life............
Maximilian Forte
Oct 30, 2008
Oct 30, 2008
Nice to see you on this website! I hope you remember me from the American Museum of Natural History where we both did the 1 day exhibit in January 2007. I now work with a graphic designer from Guyana.
Oct 30, 2008
Oct 30, 2008
Guy Marco
Oct 30, 2008
Your name caught my attention...its my grandfather's name. Although he was a Machusi, his wife was an Ariguna....they both passed away - but we could be related :)
Nov 24, 2008
Jan 11, 2009
Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez
Kutumanama (Condor of the Great Mountains)---Taino
W'AMORETE BUKIA TAU'HIAKA, BUKIA ARAWA, O BUSIKA BUKIA TAI NIKKI O HUBA NISHI!!! (May our Creator bless you, your people, and grant you good spirits and a strong heart!!!)
Jan 12, 2009
Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez
Jan 12, 2009
Philip Duncan
Jan 12, 2009
turey toca (is in sky)
Guami-ke-ni (Lord of land and water)
Guami-caraya-guey (Lord of moon and sun)
guarico (come to) guakia (us), taino-ti (good,tall)
bo-matum; (big,generous), busica (give to), guakia (us)
Yucubia-aje-cazabi; (tubercles,bread)
Huracan-wa (bad spirit no),
Maboya-wa (ghost no),
Yukiyu-han; (good spirit yes),
nabori daca (servant am I),
Han-Han Catu (So be it
Jan 13, 2009