I am a professor of anthropology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Concordia University. My research interests have focused on the Carib Community of Arima, Trinidad; ethnohistories and ethnographies of the aboriginal populations of Trinidad and Tobago and Dominica; tradition; globalization; political economy; and, both media ethnography and visual ethnography.
Hons. Double Major BA: York University - Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Spanish - 1990 (summa cum laude)
Diploma: University of the West Indies, Trinidad - International Relations - 1991 (Distinction)
MA: State University of New York at Binghamton - Anthropology - 1996
Ph.D.: The University of Adelaide (Australia) - Anthropology - 2002
Contact Information:
Dr. Maximilian C. Forte
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W
Montreal, QC, H3G-1M8, Canada
E-mail: maximilian.forte@concordia.ca
Tel: 514 848-2424 ext.5567
Fax: 514-848-4539
Research Interests:
Imperialism, colonialism, nationalism, and Indigenous resistance.
Hi Maximilian, thank you for the comment, unfortunately I really don't know much about those paintings, the first two (Celia Cruz and the conguero) I don't even have the titles or artist names for, but the last one is called "Yuiza" and is done by Puerto Rican artist Samuel Lind. I think she is supposed to represent the "last Taino queen". I should do more research on them so I can give proper credit where it is due. But aren't they absolutely beautiful?!
Yes Yupukari is one of my villages - that is where I did my primary education (may be 5 years) because there was no school then at Katoka - where I was born - which is about 8-10 mls. I still have my little hut there (upper part of the picture) holding the spot for when I return for the rest of my life to serve my people. I also taught there briefly after high school.
Anyway there is a guest house for persons who are interested in experiencing an Amerindian village. Please check more on www.rupununilearners.org
We also need volunteers for various fields - health, education, etc, etc.
Hi Max well I got quite far in my search and it will get easier. I did finally find my great grandparents recorded as employees of the Hilo Sugar Company in 1910 census under a mispelling of names. My great grandfather was from Spain and my great grandmother from PR. She was only 13 when they immigrated in 1901 and he was 30. I also from reading all the ships arrived in New Orleans La first they took rail to Cali then to Hawaii. I will be able now to order microfilm knowing where to look. Take care.
Good morning my friend! I hope this day finds you as wonderful as usual. I would like to have you place my last blog about spiritual leaders on the front page here at ICN. Thank you so much
It is a chalk drawing done on a black canvas. For the past 6 years, the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC has hosted a chalk festival that has been going on since 1998. In the past we have done the drawings on the sidewalks, brick and even large panels of wood. Now they have these 6 foot by 5 foot canvases painted black that are reused. The painting will be on display until the Kennedy Center's book fair in November and then it will be hosed down. The only way to preserve these drawings is via a digital camera. To see the group in action, go to http://flickr.com/photos/scbushnell/sets/72157607277136763/
Thank you for welcoming me :) I cannot express how excited I am at having found this site...Thank you for your part in making this place available. I am still learning to navigate my way around, but I will let you know if I get lost :)
Hi there - Sorry for the late remarks ... it's a busy semester for me at CCSF. Midterms are next week. I redesigned the Latin American history course I am teaching so I had to rewrite material and so forth. My lectures use the reading material as background to a coversation in class that can span everything from industry to sacrificial theoogy to transgender in the indigene world to my next topic: sex and gender in the New World.
Since I finished my thesis I have been looking for new directions. I am planning an postal exhibit for the Guantanamo material that came from the thesis research. This can easily take months. Unfortunately the direction my thesis took seems to have turned off a number of my Miami Cuban colleagues.
I have also been doing reading on Nicaragua. I have found several pseuo-histories which beg for redress.
Hola Maximillian:
As per your request I am providing the URL link to my first blog post.
John Browne Ayes, AKA, Ayesart
Max, did you post the picture of the long band (snake?) at the Archeology
section here. I saw something similar from a Yale investigation here in the
Indian River (Space Coast) area.
I welcome your involvement in my seminars and collection of data. Please check out my Archaeology
at Yahoo. See the photo section and give me your comments.
i am happy to be a member of this site i found it interesting many of our indigenous peoples here are not aware of the things happening around other countries i am happy to be here trusting in God Almighty for guidance and strength with all of these cruel things happening to the macusi indians in brazil , i visited brazil last year but i wasn't aware of this........May God be with them...He will deliver them out of that bondage...
I probably responded before but I would like to infrom you that you soon would have a chance to visit there when I return for the rest of my life in about 10 yrs time. I would like to spend the rest of life working for /among the Native people back home (as I have always dream of)
Hi Max I would like u to let me know any events in Canada I live in Buffalo 5 min to the Canadian border so it would be eaiser for me to get to Canada then anywhere I do some traveling but i try to hang in my own area
Peace and blessings
I find sehr gut el profil tuyo. Noto que estás on line, pero ya soy viejo y desde hace 5 días despues de 3 meses sin, tengo otra vez Internet. Se me han olvidado muchas cosas. Me puedes ecribir a mi e-mail, y yo te contesto. Ya tengo que salir a mi trabajo, que quedad a dos estaciones de bus. Gracias, necesito este vínculo, y se que tengo antepasados indígenas a travez de mi bisabuela materna, que se llama Catalina Caballero de Marinez. Naturalmente ya murió. Nació en Usiacurí, pueblo indígena. El nombre significa " pueblo ó tierra de Curíes, un animalito roedor muy común en Sothamerica. Aquí hay una calle con tu nombre : Maximilian Strasse, en donde quedan almacenes de ropa fina, frcuantado por gente famosa y millonarea.
Good Morning, Maximilian:
Thank you for your very positive comments on the video, Path Of An Artist.
I have given lectures during my exhibitions educating many adults, and children about the history of our people. I worked hard to clarify and dispel the myths about our "extinction" as well as try to inspire young upcoming artists.
I also have taken it upon myself to educate the art viewing public about Caribbean art by sharing my venues with other artists.
This artist has many responsibilities on his shoulders.
Hi Max hope u continue to be blessed and all of ur family I also practically lived in Toronto and still do went to Monteral for a seminar in TaeKwon-Do wonderful city no I have not been to too many seminar their are very few since the great Turtle shut down in Niagara Falls or maybe because i am not in the main stream let me know when that seminar comes up thank you
peace and blessings
Greeting :
Thanks for your warm welcome to your site . I look forword to read and educate myself and others in our Taino ways. May the Creator always bless.
Hello Max,
I have just joined...what a great site! I always knew there were other Amerindians out there...finding them online has been a bit of a pain. Thanks to you - here we are. I really do look forward to all the discussions on here and hope to contribute too....for now however, I'm just exploring... Joy
I consider myself truly blessed to know the people I know and to have the people who truly know me!!! Anyone could come up with an opinion about the "Thanksgiving" Holiday now upon us because of our Indigenous roots, but I will say the following in this season regardless of what this Holiday historically means to so many Native people: I will cast aside all historical offense and all present day offense to say that I am truly blessed by the Creator of this Universe tohave experieced all I have in this life and grateful for EVERY PERSON I've encountered in my life that has shown me either a positive or negative experience in my life, because I've learned so much from them. I am also thankful for ALL the people that I've encountered in my life who have spoken either positively, or gossiped negatively about me behind my back, because they've shown m e who is truly on my side, and who's against me!!! I'm even thankful for those who have spoken against me beind my back, because they've shown me that I am at east 2 steps ahead of them and on the right track!!! On this holiday of "THANKSGIVING" I'm thankful for all that has happened to me because it has shown me what path to take and will show me the path I will take. I can truly say even in the face of adversity; "I AM TRULY BLESSED"
Hi Max, actually for some of my own research what I googled was for example Plantations in Hawaii and just clicked on different links and read. Also I looked into different areas after reading the history over and over again on the Immigration from PR to Hawaii, looking for clues and using key words.
I think the best way is if someone has an idea of history to look there first. Tomas Waribonex introduced me to the History and from there I went back and used it. also there are different writings on some history and that helps alot. Now my next step is microfilm from 1901 new orleans ships that arrived from PR to Hawaii, something I found in historical writings just from reading and by also my cousin who is also doing a family search any info she has added which recently in San Francisco she found some and now I know the name of my great grandmother's sister just from her info!!
Let people know if they have an idea of history, read it, it will help them get answers and find their family.
also having my grandmothers SS number I received her old application not much info but it did state she was a laborer with the Hawaiian Pineapple Co. so sometimes paying the fee of 27 dollars pays off when requestion old applications thru the SS office which I found online thru the SS page and under questions.
Thank you Max. Its wonderful what you have done here and I'm sure the site will be used by the majority purposefully. I intended to explore a lot of what is on here and to contribute somehow but I find myself overloaded with work at the moment....I'll find the time - no worries.
Once again thank you.
Hello Mr. Forte. I am very pleased of knowing from you. I am a Spanish speaker, so you can write me in Spanish if you please. I am interested in survivals from Taino culture in all the Caribbean, and particularly in the Dominican Republic.
hey max, I was trying to get into the chat room again. I used what I belived was the same username and password. But its not letting me in. I dont see a forgot username tab. Could you give me a suggestion?
By the way if I dont hear from you today have a great new years.
i'm working on a story about the successful rebellion of enriquillo but finding recources has been kind of a pickle, i know carib history is your expertise but you wouldnt happen to know where i could find recourses about the history of the antilles would you?
Frank AkuTurey
Aug 15, 2008
Aug 16, 2008
Aug 18, 2008
Checkout the Columbus Statue post
This subject promises to be controversial
Aug 20, 2008
Juan Almonte
Aug 25, 2008
Aug 29, 2008
Aug 30, 2008
Aug 30, 2008
Lisa M. Marrero
Sep 1, 2008
Rev. Surujlall Motilall
Sep 4, 2008
Guy Marco
Anyway there is a guest house for persons who are interested in experiencing an Amerindian village. Please check more on www.rupununilearners.org
We also need volunteers for various fields - health, education, etc, etc.
Sep 9, 2008
Sep 17, 2008
adem medina cardona
Sep 29, 2008
It is a chalk drawing done on a black canvas. For the past 6 years, the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC has hosted a chalk festival that has been going on since 1998. In the past we have done the drawings on the sidewalks, brick and even large panels of wood. Now they have these 6 foot by 5 foot canvases painted black that are reused. The painting will be on display until the Kennedy Center's book fair in November and then it will be hosed down. The only way to preserve these drawings is via a digital camera. To see the group in action, go to http://flickr.com/photos/scbushnell/sets/72157607277136763/
Oct 5, 2008
Anita Pagan
Oct 5, 2008
Mark Piper
Since I finished my thesis I have been looking for new directions. I am planning an postal exhibit for the Guantanamo material that came from the thesis research. This can easily take months. Unfortunately the direction my thesis took seems to have turned off a number of my Miami Cuban colleagues.
I have also been doing reading on Nicaragua. I have found several pseuo-histories which beg for redress.
Hope you well. Drop a line when you have a chance
Oct 7, 2008
As per your request I am providing the URL link to my first blog post.
John Browne Ayes, AKA, Ayesart
Oct 8, 2008
Oct 12, 2008
Ray Osborne
section here. I saw something similar from a Yale investigation here in the
Indian River (Space Coast) area.
Oct 17, 2008
Ray Osborne
Oct 17, 2008
Ray Osborne
at Yahoo. See the photo section and give me your comments.
Oct 17, 2008
Mia Roman Hernandez
Oct 22, 2008
Oct 25, 2008
Philip Duncan
Oct 28, 2008
I am very impressed with your site and hope to learn and understand more about my people I am looking for alot of guidiance
yours NancyMaria
Oct 28, 2008
Guy Marco
Oct 29, 2008
Juan Almonte
Oct 29, 2008
Peace and blessings
Oct 29, 2008
Juan Martinez Ojeda
Oct 30, 2008
Thank you for your very positive comments on the video, Path Of An Artist.
I have given lectures during my exhibitions educating many adults, and children about the history of our people. I worked hard to clarify and dispel the myths about our "extinction" as well as try to inspire young upcoming artists.
I also have taken it upon myself to educate the art viewing public about Caribbean art by sharing my venues with other artists.
This artist has many responsibilities on his shoulders.
Oct 30, 2008
peace and blessings
Oct 30, 2008
Hector Gonzalez-Benitez
Thanks for your warm welcome to your site . I look forword to read and educate myself and others in our Taino ways. May the Creator always bless.
Nov 6, 2008
I have just joined...what a great site! I always knew there were other Amerindians out there...finding them online has been a bit of a pain. Thanks to you - here we are. I really do look forward to all the discussions on here and hope to contribute too....for now however, I'm just exploring... Joy
Nov 24, 2008
Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez
Nov 27, 2008
I think the best way is if someone has an idea of history to look there first. Tomas Waribonex introduced me to the History and from there I went back and used it. also there are different writings on some history and that helps alot. Now my next step is microfilm from 1901 new orleans ships that arrived from PR to Hawaii, something I found in historical writings just from reading and by also my cousin who is also doing a family search any info she has added which recently in San Francisco she found some and now I know the name of my great grandmother's sister just from her info!!
Let people know if they have an idea of history, read it, it will help them get answers and find their family.
also having my grandmothers SS number I received her old application not much info but it did state she was a laborer with the Hawaiian Pineapple Co. so sometimes paying the fee of 27 dollars pays off when requestion old applications thru the SS office which I found online thru the SS page and under questions.
I hope this helps sincerely Teresa
Dec 11, 2008
Juan Almonte
Dec 16, 2008
Juan Almonte
Dec 16, 2008
Juan Almonte
Dec 16, 2008
Richard Cruz
Dec 16, 2008
Once again thank you.
Dec 16, 2008
Milton Martínez González
Thank you.
Dec 16, 2008
Dec 16, 2008
Dec 16, 2008
Juan Almonte
By the way if I dont hear from you today have a great new years.
Dec 31, 2008
adem medina cardona
ok maybe it is not new
i admidt i have been gone for a while
...she's baaaack!
happy new year my friend~c
Jan 1, 2009
Jan 2, 2009
Nick Rojas
Jan 9, 2009
Barakutei Yanaouko ah Baguanamey
Thank you for the warm welcome.
Jan 9, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Jan 17, 2009
Danielle Campos
Jan 19, 2009