Danielle Campos

38, Female

Lawrence, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am 22 yrs old and I live in Massachusetts. I married into a Dominican family and I have a 2 year old son named Mateo. I have always been big on history, and ever since I first visited the Dominican Republic I have been hooked on any and everything having to do with it's history and culture; not only for myself but so that I can one day share this information with my son.
Stay At Home Mom
High School Graduate
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
Dominican Republic, Hispaniola-pre Taino to present

Comment Wall:

  • Juan Almonte

    Thanx for your frienship request. Have a great new years.
  • Juan Almonte

    There are few there. Is la brisa the one next to the supermarket as you walking towards the train.

    There are few dominican resturants all very good. Is you husband from the corona area.
  • Juan Almonte

    I am sure I seen it but didnt notice the name of the place.

    Weired, I actually live in east new york for about 5yo in the mid 90's when I was living with the mother of my daughter. Now my daughter lives with her mom in far rockaway. Very weired. But my parents been in corona for years. After we broke I moved back to corona.

    Lived in DR for about 3 1/2 years when I was 9yo. Before that we had spend 3 month here there. One time before that 6months.
  • Juan Almonte

    LOL, very wiered.

    Hey I use to live on sutter and mother gaston. I think they might have change the mother gaston name now. Is there the area more or less that your husband lived by.

    My daughter live close to the a train. I think the stop is 44st.
  • Juan Almonte

    Look at this clip I found a while back it does a more or less job explaing what I am trying to tell you.


    Let me know what you think.

    Keep in mind that in the dominican rep. You have people who are arabs, asians, white, black, native aemrican like me and we are all called hispanic.

    With that said you will have some who are maybe an admixture of two or three races. But I am sure you undestand my point.
  • Juan Almonte

    Let me know if you have any question on my page or on the discustion you started.
  • Juan Almonte

    OK, let me also know what you think of my post.

    I am trying to keep the anthropolgical stuff as simple as possible. But the clip and my post on your discustion should explain why there really is no latino/hispanic race. Its made up. Many people belive this is how the indigneous part of the so called hispanic population have been robed of ther birth right. Also keep in mind that europeans with no admixture live in central and south american and they are called latino/hispanic. Including other races.
  • Juan Almonte

    Yes and no.

    Like I said the label hispanic was created in the mid 60's. So what where we before then. See my point. Its a made up race, based on liguestic.

    Before we were dominican, puerto rican and cubans. Pre columbus. We were cubankan aka cuba, boriken aka puerto rico, kiskeya aka DR or hispaniola. But in these island you have native people called taino who lived in these island. We also live in the lower tip of florida (orignal name bimini) But if you want to idify as domnican thats cool too. But keep in mind that being dominican is a nationality. Not my race. I am indigenous. There are other races in DR and some yes can be biracial.

    The name america came from america vesuti or vesucci (forgot correct spelling) My indian ancestros live in the americas before it was called that. So we are neigther america. But what to call ourselfs.

    You wrote "the way there really is no "American" because in the Americas so many people came from other countries....so we should identify ourselves as our original countries..."

    No thats not what I meant. There were people in this continent. Native people. My ancestors being one of them. To know negate them is not only a offence to me and present day deccendants but to our ancestors who went threw the worst holocust.

    Like I said. It not wrong with saying your dominican. That is the country that he comes from in this western hemisphere. But to call dominican a race just like hispanic and latino is a mistake. There are dominican who are caucasion, arab blacks, asian and taino. Many diffrent races. Just like the rest of this continent.
  • Juan Almonte

    LOL, sweety you did not offend me. I was just commenting on it.

    I would clasify you as a euro american. Just like some people in argentina who are european deccendanst. I call them euro american too. But yes your area caucasion woman.

    If you husband is the three race then yes he is triracial. With that said. Just cause we think you mother in law look indian doesnt me so. I would have to see her in person. Like I stated earlier many african american claimed indian ancestroy. After dna was done only 1 of 20 actually had some native ancestory.

    As per the uncle with the light skin and colored eyes. If thy were hazel I would not base it on being euroepean eyes. There are non-caucasion with no admixture who have those type of colored eyes. The light skin mean nothing eighter. There are black african in africa who have no admixture an some can be pretty light.

    As per spanish. Maybe she has it. Maybe she is part african and part spanish with no indian blood. Its possible too. I dont know. But from the picture she does show ameridian ancestory. But with that said remember what I told you in a post. There are african american who said they grand mother had straight hair and look native american. But when dna was done it showed zero. On top of that in dominican rep the taino population is very small only 15% So she maybe right an not have any. In my family I was thought that we were indians. My grandparents on both side of my family had taino names and middle names. But the last name were spanish. But that has to do with the colonization period. We even found records of my family being indian slave owned by the spanriods. Once my family goes to DR I will ask for a copy and and uplaod it here.
  • Juan Almonte

    Also see where I posted in the discustion it may clear some stuff up.
  • Juan Almonte

    I will post here to clear things up.

    Oh I see where you are confused.

    Native american, american indian, amerdians, idigenous are the same thing.

    Cherokee, inuet, taino, carib, mayan, inca, navajo are all indians. The are pre columbus people the orignal people of this continent. We the taino and caribs that you are talking to via these post are deccendants of these people. We are ameridian, native americans, indigenous etc etc

    I hope that clarify.

    The problem is that you probably are under the impression like everybody else that the border of the USA is the start and end of this continent. It not your foult this is what many people belive. But all indigneous people of this continent are related. We are but one family.
  • Juan Almonte

    If you notice I always say so called hispanic. Cause there is no such thing. I will only refer to latin american to brake things down. But there is no such thing as latin america eighter.

    When you get a chance look up the word hispanic. In the dictionary it was changed as people, culture or thing of spain. I dont ever let anyone call me hispanic.

    Belive it or not there are many taino words still in use especially in the mountai areas of DR. But even in the rest of the populatin you will see some words and even in english example, hamock, potatoe, tomatoe, canoe, manati, tabaco, hurricane there are few others. There are also places in what is not called USA that have native american names from other tribes. Like seattle, chicago etc etc etc.
  • Juan Almonte

    Forgot the most famous tain word used. Barbeque.
  • Juan Almonte

    Also keep in mind just cause some one is a so called hispanic. Doesnt mean they are of ameridain ancestory. Spaniords to are considered hispanic. There are argentianans who some are of italian, german deccent and they to are considered hispanic. There are some places where there are african with no admixture but cause they speak spanish they are considered hispanic. See my point.
  • Juan Almonte

    Yes, very confusing. But very intersting when you know you place in it.
  • Juan Almonte

    Really. I would have thought it would be easier. I mean it has taken me years to learn what I know which is nothing. Cause so much of our identity was taken from us.

    But if you intersted in know your history you should research it.

    I for myself am one of the folks who is intersted in reviving our languge. Sounds hard. But keep in mind that in the mountain areas it said that we use over thousand taino words. So we dont have to start from scratch.
  • Juan Almonte

    Yeah I think I read that article ways back. Remember not eveything is going to be accurate. I mean dna strands in dominican republic has actually confirmed that modern day taino were ummixed and that any admixture that some of us have was very recent. So that means that some of the taino living in the island are pure bloods.

    If you really intersed in taino cultures. There is a taino from kiskeya that works in the native american musuem here in NY. His name is Jorge Esteves. He is a good friend of mine. Infact he is the one that told me about this site. Anyways he does taino presentataion. I think there is a hold on it but he will resume. You should go see it. Regardless if you husband has taino ancestory or not its good to know about the real people of the caribbean and to know that there are still deccendants.


    Hmmmm. I never thought about it that way. I just assumed that if you were caucasion it be easier to find out aobut your heritiage. I mean you can trace it to europe. For me its easy. I am native american and that that. But to learn about my history is where its a bit confusing. Cause it benfiited the conquistares to not let us claim our birth rigth. I mean can you imagine if taino would claim the caribbean and florida as it was our ancestors land. But anyways If I find other sites that i read in the past I will send them to you. But If I was you I reallly try to see Jorge presentation. He is a good man.
  • Juan Almonte

    Hey that discustion I posted somestuff about dna
  • Juan Almonte

    Your very welcome. I just think that you should be infomred before you spend money on a test.

    In both pictures she does show amerdian ancestory. If she live in NY you should take her to see my friend at the musseum.
  • Juan Almonte

    I was just thinking. If speak with her on the phone. Have her check for shovel shaped teeth. Check your husband.
  • Juan Almonte

    Sorry I just thought about it. It will not tell you how much native american is in her. But if she has them you will know that she does. She herself would not be able to deny it anymore.
  • Juan Almonte

    Hey dont get offended it by that post. they were trying to teach me a lesson. Some times you need a kick on the butt to learn something.

    No I dont celibrate that. What is that about? Is that something your husband family does?
  • Juan Almonte

    Thanx for the info. I will check with my parents and see if they do that. My filling fell out. So I am a bit of pain myself. Got to make an opointment.
  • Juan Almonte

    Hey Danille. You should look into taino history. You may be surprised of what my ancestors went threw. From your post I see you have no idea.
  • Ivy

    No problem. But just keep in mind that that particular test only works with mitochondrial DNA and can only trace the line of females' DNA. One day I would like to get a much more in-depth test. Good luck with your searching! :)
  • Ivy

    Just wanted to tell you that your son is absolutely adorable!!
  • Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez

    Thanks!!! I've seen a lot of what's been happening on the posts and after a while, I decided to jump in. While I'm at it, I'll put info that people could actually use or correct any misconceptions out there. Nice to hear from you. Hope to share with you lots more!!!
  • Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez

    BTW---Beautiful little boy!!! W'AMORETE LI'KIA TAUHIAKA!!! May our Creator bless him!!!)(...and you too, of course!!!)

  • Maximilian Forte

    Dear Danielle,

    I saw that you came in for some grief. I have not been able to properly track the evolution of the conflict between yourself and Luis, and so I cannot take sides just yet. I did remove some of his offensive messages from your comment wall in the meantime.

    As I asked him, I will ask you: please avoid any opportunity for direct, personal insults, and for now avoid communicating with each other or engaging in side sniping. If matters continue or get worse, then I might have to intervene.

    I am sorry that this is my first message here, normally it is a warm welcome.
  • Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez

    I just wanted to say "TAU TI" and to say...

  • Maximilian Forte

    Excellent, thanks so much Danielle.