Ray Osborne


Cape Canaveral, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Author and writer that is researching and working on a
new book that includes the native cultures of the
Caribbean and Florida.
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
Archeology of Florida and the Caribbean.
Another link:
My Website:

Comment Wall:

  • Joshua M. Torres

    Hi Ray, Thanks for the friend invite. It looks like you are from Florida as well. Take care and I look forward to talking sometime--Josh
  • Ray Osborne

    Even though the book fair in Gainesville on Aug 16 is
    canceled, I was able to get a book signing event at
    a book store called "Books Inc." Be sure to stop by and say 'hi' if you are in the area.
  • Ray Osborne

    I managed to start the history in my book off right by using artistic renditions of the native cultures that once lived here at the Cape.

    A nation of Indians called the Ays (Ais) lived here in the Indian River area of Florida. A native scholar told me that because they (Ays) were reputed to have a long life that Ponce de Leon was reported to have to encountered them and asked them about the "Fountain of Youth."

    Many scholars would scoff at that notion though.

    Would you?

    Anyway they the Ays were reported to be tall people. Is tallness an attribute of Caribbean ancient people as well?
  • Maximilian Forte

    I managed to miss you Ray, and I wanted to thank you for joining and for adding the photos. Please do feel free to advertise any of your writing when you wish. Also, if you have any troubles with using the site, let me know, and I will do what I can to help. Some members are discovering some bugs.
  • Maximilian Forte

    It just struck me: you must have a front row seat for the space shuttle landings (or is it the launchings only, or both?). Your interest in native cultures, and in the background a space shuttle launching...this reminds me of a photo on this network, with Taino performers in the foreground, and a British Airways concorde in the background.
  • AkuTurey

    Great picture,your main photo,but I really had to lok to make sense of it,then"Oh".Well,I am 6 ft.tall! I only have MtDNA from Cuba-or at least that would make the most sense,unless it was one of the MANY Indians brought over by the Spanish from Florida,or some of the Mexicans...Our general DNA on Cuba,and P.R. is Haplogroup "A"...which is mysterious,considering that 33%percent of Cubans carry it,and from where my parents are from,"Camaguey",it is 75% MtDNA Native!-I am still trying to figure out how this occured,considering that Tainos/Ciboneys,Arawaks carry pre-dominantly the "C" haplogroup!-how could such a high % of the population carry the "A"?!!-Thanks and good luck with your book.
  • AkuTurey

    Hello,got it,thanks..a nice picture
  • AkuTurey

    Hello Ray,
    On my dad's side it;s"R1b-the First Eoropeans,and on my mom's it is "Haplogroup A",Native American
  • Ray Osborne

    The artwork was done by Ted Morris of St. Augustine. He
    has some interesting artwork of what the early tribes
    might have looked like. Be sure to check out his website.


    BTW: Has anybody done artwork of the ancient Taino
  • Theodore R. Morris

    Alright Ray, I know you can aim a camera at yourself. I'm in the process of researching the Caribbean Indians. I may start a new series of paintings. My opening is today at the Museum of Florida Art in Deland ...5-7...adios
  • Theodore R. Morris

    Thanks but it dosen't work...I'll try and cancel my page and start over. Computers can get to be a pain ..such a simple thing!
  • Theodore R. Morris

    Hi Ray...my page has a sketch for my first painting....the first step on a hopefully long journey.
  • Theodore R. Morris

    I don't remember...try Turks And Caicos magazine-ARCHAEOLOGY or HISTORY
  • Theodore R. Morris

    I read the translated journal of Christopher Columbus first voyage.
  • Theodore R. Morris

    Columbus described them as gentle innocent souls who could be easily made to do whatever we want. As for the fountain of youth, I think all the Conquistadors were looking for the fountai of youth and the city of gold.
  • Anita Pagan

    Thank you so very much for welcoming me with interesting conversation! :)

    My opinion on channeling varies, to be completely honest. I cannot say I believe it fully; I tend to be more mystical in that aspect, I can only be sure of my own experience. On the other hand I have had experiences that I cannot explain any other way...
  • Anita Pagan

    Thanks for the info, I will look it up and see what it says.

    Congrats on the book :)
  • Theodore R. Morris

    Thgis painting is called THE SIGNAL the shell (Trumpet) he holds was used for signaling, etc.
  • Maximilian Forte

    I have lost track of messages Ray, sorry about that. I was away for a few days and I am not able to follow the messages you left on my "wall." If there is anything you need me to do, please let me know.
  • Theodore R. Morris

    I'm still trying to find photos of T & C artifacts-especially ear decorations. Just finishing the last of 3 T&C (see new photos) then on to San Salvador
  • Anita Pagan


    It did come from there, although I still like to think of it as a hef. In a way, it still is, ennit? :)

    Thanks for the shout out!!
  • Anita Pagan

    No, I cannot say that I have ever had my aura pictured. There have been a couple of aura photographers in the area, in gem shows and such, and I have been tempted, but haven't done it.

    I also have not read the book you mentioned, is it not a book on healing? It seems I have heard the name before...

    I, too , am very much into consciousness and how it affects our being, as well as how, with consciousness, we can have an effect on other items/beings. I have a lot of opinions on this topic...lol!!

    On a lot of topics!!!
  • adem medina cardona

    i still have the research and am developing it
    you gave me an excelent idea though!
    thank you
    i will look in to actually filming this
    the assignment of course would be handed in on paper because i ama in a writing university
    but to have this video taped would be awesome
    perhaps i can get people to post their answers in a video
    so much is lost through the electronic process
    if i can get permission to use these videos


    i will check in to that becasue i know some people may not like to have the video done and prefer a face to face, as i do (but being thousands of miles apart it is difficult)
  • adem medina cardona

    have you ever been there?