I feel blessed to have worked with (briefly) both Sir Miguel and Carol Ann Ciocco @ The Open Mind for a Mayan Sacred Time workshop. An additional blessing was that I & my friend were able to attend the 12/13/07 Three Rivers (13) Indigenous Grandmothers + High Mayan Elder (DreamKeeper) Don Alejandro. MuchLove to you all, in our individual/in-tandem/& collective expansion. Take care; do well; & BE PEACE; love, deb.e.
mother&housewife; retired English professor; aspiring screenwriter
B.A. in General Studies; major in English; minor in psychology/music/film/art/ world religions mythology.
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
convergence of science & Spirituality; Spiritual Ascension; the Essenes of Mount Carmel\; Mayan Spirituality; Australian & New Zealand Dreamtime; AnghorWat; EasterIsland; cutting edge DNA research & application; The Promised Key by Michael White; Department.of.Peace; Energetic Synthesis w/Lisa Renee.
Welcome to ICN, Debra, I am Carrie, a co-administrator here. You may feel free to ask me questions or to ask questions of any of our administrators found on the main page. I look forward to getting to know you better. Our members Code of Conduct can be found here.
adem medina cardona
Feb 7, 2009