I'm an archaeologist obsessed with archaeology, the Caribbean and everything Taino.
PhD Anthropology - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (2006 - present)
MPhil Archaeology - University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (2000)
BA History & Archaeology - University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica, W.I. (1998)
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
Taino archaeology, Rock Art and Taino-Hispanic and Taino-African/Maroon interaction
Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT), Archaeological Society of Jamaica (ASJ)
Hi Leslie, good to see you here. Sorry, I thought I invited you to this over the summer. I hope you are well. Take care and talk to you soon. Happy New Year!!!!!
Lesly, I just read what you replyed to Keisha "arenahi" Very sad. Be kinda nice to see taino from jamica have a movement too. Well I am sure its just a matter of time.
Lesly, you know I have heard that. But I still think there must be folks. That must have ameridian ancestory. Keep in mind that in boriken aks puerto rico, cuba, Kiskeya aka dominican rep. My kiskeya. We have been saying that we are taino for centurys. But they kept the myth alive. Now we have proven ourselves with all these silly test. Yes, kiskeya the numbers are small. But we still here. Poeple who didnt even know they were indians found out cause of these test. I was lucky I was raised knowing my ancestry. I am sure in jaimica there must be the same thing. Maybe a small comunity. Also you my be under the impression that you dont have ameridian ancestry. For all we know you do? But again I am not jamaican so I dont know. Does anybody in jamica done what I just described abouve with the three islands? I asked cuase I have always been curios. I have jamaican friend who tell me no. But its just a bit hard to belive that no amerian blood survied not even 1%. You know what I mean?
Lesly very true, Just like in kiskeya and the other island were we have been saying we still here. We sounded like a broken record. But even though the numbers are low. Originaly I think they thought is was going to be lower just for the fact that only few of us were saying we are tainos. So when 15% of the dominican population came out people were stunnded. Cause many who did know it, now threw there test found out. So yes the numbers are low. But I suspect that in jamica it could more or less be the same.
I mean I read your profile. You taino ancestory could be the force behind your research and you just dont it. But with that said taino diffenlty is one of the more influnetial native americna. There culutre, language did remain in places in where there are no taino deccendants too. Let along in the mountains are of kiskeya.
Dear Leslie, I already know your name of course and some of your work. It is a great pleasure to see you here.
Now to my standard, arid, cut and paste welcome message :)
Welcome to the Indigenous Caribbean Network,
Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions about using this site. I hope that you will find your interactions here to be enjoyable and rewarding. As a friendly reminder, please acquaint yourself with our preliminary Code of Conduct.
Hello Lesley-Gail, unfortunately I am not an Anthropology major but a Finance major. However, I have a strong interest in anthropology and genealogy. Feel free to contact me anytime.
Joshua M. Torres
Jan 7, 2009
Carmen Laguer
Happy New Year, I hope to be able to see you a bit more this semester on campus :)
Jan 8, 2009
Carmen Laguer
Jan 10, 2009
Jan 11, 2009
Juan Almonte
Jan 12, 2009
Juan Almonte
Jan 12, 2009
Juan Almonte
Jan 12, 2009
Juan Almonte
I mean I read your profile. You taino ancestory could be the force behind your research and you just dont it. But with that said taino diffenlty is one of the more influnetial native americna. There culutre, language did remain in places in where there are no taino deccendants too. Let along in the mountains are of kiskeya.
Jan 12, 2009
Juan Almonte
Jan 12, 2009
Juan Almonte
Jan 12, 2009
Guy Marco
Jan 14, 2009
Maximilian Forte
Now to my standard, arid, cut and paste welcome message :)
Welcome to the Indigenous Caribbean Network,
Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions about using this site. I hope that you will find your interactions here to be enjoyable and rewarding. As a friendly reminder, please acquaint yourself with our preliminary Code of Conduct.
Very best wishes.
Jan 20, 2009
Ken Ivery
Feb 12, 2009