Philip Duncan




Profile Information:

About Me:
Love to make new friends and ex-change culture, travel out doors and most of all find out more about the tribe in the rupununies where my parents are from and the way of life.
Flight Operations Officer/Dispatcher
Christ Church Secondary School,Guyana Technical Institute, Aviation Training Services Ltd.(Aeroclub Guyana)
Contact Information:
Working to bring mankind to unity through Christ Jesus

Comment Wall:

  • Maximilian Forte

    Welcome Philip. There are a few other Guyanese members of this network (I will let you discover them). I hope you enjoy any time you spend in this network, and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

    Very best wishes.
  • Maximilian Forte

    Philip, I don't think they should wait for any god to deliver them from bondage -- they should get started now, and start with their own efforts. Sitting and waiting for some magical solution will be catastrophic, as it usually has been, there is absolutely nothing to commend fatalism. I suppose so little is known about their situation internationally possibly because of insufficient activism? Anyway, you should feel absolutely free and welcome to bombard us with any news and information, etc., about the Macusi.
  • Guy Marco

    Guess what? Your nephew - Brian - is there ( Yupukari). He is just waiting on you to go fishing at the landing ( Rupununi river).
  • Guy Marco

    Ok - well that even better yet. Sorry I didn't check your prof. All I know is that former minister PD - now I know PD2 (please to meet you).
    Have you check the website ( Yupukari) -
    In the news letter you will see your Dad and sister (if).
    Anyway you are most welcome there any day. LOL
  • carib indian empress

    u welcome
  • George Simon

    Happy new Year to you Phillip, do extend my very best wishes to youe mother and father.

  • George Simon

    Thanks Phillip, and very best wishes to you

  • Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion

    MySpace Graphics
  • Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion

    MySpace Graphics
  • Kawe

    Hey Philip your photos are gorgeous :)
  • Arenahi

    Do you fly? I just started studying to get my private pilot's license.
  • Philip Duncan

    Hi every one long time i haven't visited this site....