Eden Ranch


Puerto Plata

Dominican Republic

Profile Information:

About Me:
Living in the Dominican Republic and enjoying my horse farm.
Natural horsemanship trainer
Research Interests:
History of the Island Hispainola and of its peoples.
My Website:

Comment Wall:

  • adem medina cardona

    Welcome to ICN, I am Carrie, one of the co-administrators here. Please feel free to ask questions if you need any help.

    Our Code of Conduct can be found at this link.


    I would like to know if there are native communities in your island.
    What are their name ? Their location ?
    I'm writing a book about the amerindian's heritage in the Caribbean culture.
    As a french anthropologist, I have already plenty informations about the french west indies.
    So, your help will be appreciate and credited.
    Thank you for sharing.
  • Arenahi

    A mixed blood Taino is an authentic Taino. :)