Joe Kerr


Pinckney, MI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Taino disappointed with the state of our people today.


Unafraid of speaking my mind.

If you dislike your reflection attacking the mirror won't change a thing.

hee, hee.

I work.
Research Interests:
Taino history and how my people are creating it.

"We are the ancestors of the future generations" - Russell Means
Taino. Have several cards to prove it. HA, HA, HA, HA!!!
My Website:

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  • Caracoli

    Hello Joe Kerr

    I haven't seen any recent post by you on your blog

    Look forward to the next post

  • Caracoli

    Taino Ti

    I wear Regalia

    There are some of us still left who are working on Tribal wear

    We don't have to wear white man clothing all the time
  • Ronald Morris

    I am Mrs. Angela from the United States but live in France. I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email ( for full details
    God bless you.