
39, Male


Puerto Rico

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Jovano. I have 6 years in the US army. Im married with a baby daughter.
US Army
Bachelors in Communication Info Systems

Comment Wall:

  • Maximilian Forte

    Welcome to the Indigenous Caribbean Network.

    When you have a chance, please complete your profile. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or any of the network administrators (see the list at the top left of the main page).

    Also, please review our Code of Conduct and our "netiquette" guidelines.

    We hope that you enjoy your time here and find the interactions to be rewarding.
  • Tania *Heremuru*

    Bienvenodo a ICN pues tengo un amigo que es arqueologo y esta estudiando mucho e investigando el idioma. El tiene muchos libros y yo tengo como 3 diccionarios del dioma Taino pero son viejos y las palabras que le faltan se las anadimos del idioma arawako "Eyeri" que todavia se habla alrededor de las desembocaduras del rio orinoco en venezuela que se dice segun los historiadores y los arqueologos que los indios igneri provinieron de esa area.
  • Ronald Morris

    Good day,
    I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it is necessary for me to write to you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for full details.
    Best regards,