Delmaris Arroyo Del Toro



Puerto Rico

Profile Information:

About Me:
Native Boriken Taino
Corp . Administrative Assistant and Pro Photographer
Associate degree
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
Arawak Boriken Taino

Comment Wall:

  • Huana Naboli Martinez

    Hi ;

    I am Huana. I posted a topic on the discussion panel on this site, for opening a  discussion and dialogue regarding,  Indoantillean language survival among borikuas. I am sharing this information. And I will like people to participate in the dialogue regarding the topic. As you live in the island and you are interested in the native roots, I reach to you.  In Boricuas island we have the language. It is talk mixed within the spanish that we as borikuas talk. For a revitalization this information that we have in here must be taken in consideration.  We have enough data to revitalize the language with a Grammar. We are going to do it in Boriken. I you want to get the information. I suggest the participation and dialogue on this topic. I invite you to check on the videos posted in the youtube page: Borikua Ancestral. We are looking or people interested in joining this cause in the island.

    Best regards from Huana