


United States

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About Me:
Currently living in Iowa and taking care of my sister who is mentally challenged. I am a single mom with one very intelligent and talented daughter. I enjoy Native American culture, art, nature, animals and music. love to read and visit with friends. As you can see, i paint feathers.
(On Feb. 8, 2010 My Sweet Mother crossed over to be with her Maker and her husband and relatives that have passed before her . Although, for myself, it was very overwhelming to watch my Mother deteriorate before me. Days before she passed my younger sister and I were able to talk about many memories and stories in our lives. We spent many nights and hours holding her hands. She didn't respond but, we knew she could hear us. We knew she knew we were there. And In the moment of her last breath, there was a wave of emotions that welled up inside me. Much sadness at the loss. Much relief that she didn't have to suffer anymore. I remembered praying to my Father to come and help guide her home. And I believe he did. He came and got her on their 62nd Wedding Anniversary.
In her room at Taylor House there was a door leading out to the outside patio. I opened the door a bit so that her Spirit could leave. I must not have opened it far enough, for the door opened a bit wider so she could pass. I think my Father was with her leading her out. It was a very powerful moment. It was bitter sweet too. It was freedom. My Sweet Mother is home and well again.)
Data entry clerk For Iowa Public Health in Lead Poison Div.
Research Interests:
no research

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  • Caracoli

    Sure, I can send you the feather I want painted

    Let me know what kind of feathers you are interested in

    wing, tail ?
  • Anita Pagan

    Maria! I just met a girl name Maria!

    I can't help it, every time I hear that name I am reminded of the play West Side Story, where the main character sings his love's name "Maria".

    Anyways, I wanted to compliment you on the painted feathers. How beautiful! I assume you use acrylics? What do you do to the feather to prep it for painting? Or do you just paint directly on it?

    I am very curious and hope I don't offend with my questions. I grew up and even now, live a very creative life :)

    HAve a great day and hope to hear from you soon!
  • Anita Pagan

    Tau Maria!

    Wow the feather painting seems to be a long process. I bet you try to do as many at a time as you can... that way you have several "canvases" prepared.

    The feather repairing technique you mention is interesting. Steam repairs feathers? Whooda thunk? LOL! I have a friend who uses his own skin's oil to repair the pieces of feather that split, but I don;t think that would help in the prepping though...

    Thanks for the compliment on my beadwork. I have been working on an outfit I want to put together. I will post images when it is done :)

    Keep up the good work!
    Taino TI