We Are A Taino Boricua Family of the Taino People of Boriken ("Pueblo Taíno de Borikén)" Living Our Culture Through Our Spirituality, Art, Artisanwork, Crafts, Ceremonies, Dancing, Language, Music, Singing, Spirituality, Storytelling, and Traditions.
We, the Taino, Are Still Here! We Are One! The Taíno Lives!)
Like the Coqui, We are from Here! We are Boricua even if we are Born on the Moon!
"Bo-Matum Taíno-tí!" (Thank-you We Honor the Good/Light in You!)
Versión en Español:
Somos una Familia Taíno Boricua del Pueblo Taíno de Borikén Viviendo Nuestra Cultura A Través Nuestra Espiritualidad, Arte, Artesanía, Manualidades, Ceremonias, Bailes, Lenguaje, Música, Canciones, Cuentos y Tradiciones.
¡Nosotros, los Taíno, Todavía Estamos Aquí! ¡Somos Uno! ¡El Taíno Vive!
Como el Cokí Somos de Aquí! Somos Boricua aunque Nacemos en la Luna!
"Bo-Matum Taíno-tí!" (Gracias Honramos lo Bueno/la Luz en Ti!)
Dear Joanna Aya, I saw your postings in the Language Group. I am soooo inspired by the work to build a dictionary/lexicography/grammar. How can I participate? What is the progress?
I started a revitalization group on Facebook, because I noticed that there is a lot of interest but there was no central space there (there is a page, but this is a group).
I am very interested in helping with this effort, supporting it and would like to know more if possible.
Congratulations to the Quinta Jornada en Jayuya en el barrio de Coabay.
I send you many blessings
Aug 24, 2009
Abdul R Liburd
Thank you and God Bless Always!
Mar 11, 2012
Ana-Maurine Lara
Dear Joanna Aya, I saw your postings in the Language Group. I am soooo inspired by the work to build a dictionary/lexicography/grammar. How can I participate? What is the progress?
I started a revitalization group on Facebook, because I noticed that there is a lot of interest but there was no central space there (there is a page, but this is a group).
I am very interested in helping with this effort, supporting it and would like to know more if possible.
Thank you (jan jan catu)
Ana Lara
Apr 30, 2014