
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Luzia and the Possibility of New Discovery of the true Origins of Caribbean Indigenous Ancestry

Luzia's skull was found in a Brazilian cave in 1978. Her remains were stored for quite sometime until someone began to take interest in her skull. She died at the age of 20 to 25 years. She lived near Bello Horizonte in South East Brazil. Her remains have been estimated to be 11, 400 years old. This makes her one of the oldest fossils ever found in the Americas.

Other remains were found within Lagoa Santa in the same region that Luzia lived. It was discovered that the remains had been buried within a ceremonial context.

There has been a lot of speculation about the origin of her people. Some have put forward the theory of an African origin. Others have theorized a polynesian origin and even an Australian aborigine origin.
There has been some speculation that says that her people crossed the Bering Strait. Another theory that has been put forth says that her ancestors might have crossed by boat to the Tierra del Fuego region and migrated up to Brazil.

DNA tests are being done upon the assemblages that were discovered in Lagoa Santa because Luzia's bone structure had been replaced by mineralization and her DNA is no longer there.
Dr Sergio Pena of the Univ of Minas Gerais and Max Planck of the Anthropological Institute in Germany have been working to extract the DNA from the assemblages.

I have been thinkinbg a lot about the many theories that have been put forth by everyone especially the theory about an African and Aboriginal origin. Looking at the photo of the reconstruction of Luzia's face I was reminded of the faces of the Olmec people. Their facial features were pretty much like Luzia's.

The study of skulls relative to racial typing is called Morphology.

I am not an expert in Morphology but I am a professional portrait artist who has studied the anatomy of faces and the human body. I have to be very knowledgeable as well of rendering all types of people who have ancestry within the many races on this planet. So the comparison that I am making today is from a lay person's point of view.

I find it facinating that there is a possiblilty that the ancestral origins of the Indigenous people who eventually populated the Carribean might be found within Luzia. I also find it facinating that Richard Leaky had a theory that human development and evolution happened here in the Americas as well as in Africa.

It is theorized that the Olmecs appeared on the scene around 1,600 AD in Veracruz. It is also said that they were the founders of an advanced mathematical system, a calendar system and new ways of building temples and cities. Their influence can be seen within the achievements of the ancient peoples of Central and South America. In order for a people to master the arts of building, mathematics, and a precise calendar system means that they must have been arounbd for quite a long time. There might be a possibility that the Olmec people are the descendants of Luzia's people.

I've added an image of an ancient Maya to depict the morphological difference between the Olmec and Luzia for comparison.

Look at the photos within this post and please do give your opinion on what you see and think.

Below are URL links that will take you to what the experts are saying.

In closing, many of you are studying in universities. If you can do a research on journal papers that might have been written about the results of those DNA tests on Luzia's people, please share them with me.
I am very interested in comparing the HVR1 and HVR2 DNA against the DNA results of the Indigenous populations in the Americas.


John Ayes

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Comment by Juan Almonte on October 27, 2008 at 10:58pm

I thought that Kennewick man was already determined that it was a Mongoloid. A descendant of the ainu people.

The problem I see with Luzia is that the reconstruction of the skull doesn’t fit. I mean I have read alot of info on anthropology. The reconstruction looks more like a person of negroid and mogloid admixture. But the skull looks like a caucosoid skull.

Also you have to be careful with many of these so called archeologist. A while back I saw a documentary. They were talking about the guy who found the bones of an ape like human. I think it was called Lucy. Anyways decades later they found out that he actually mixed human bones with ape bones. This is another theory that euro centrics push for. I don’t buy that we came from no apes.

I am not saying this is what happened Luzia. But I see many eurocentric and afrocentric claiming that they were the first americans. The euro centric are talking about the shape of arrow heads. I find that ridiculous. I mean if that is true then what about the boomerang. The Australian aborigines are known for this weapon. But north and south american indians had this too. Also the bolas made famous by the Argentinean gauchos. Is a weapon that the Argentina in indians used. But this weapon could be found with north american indians and chinese. Even the crossbow. was not a euro creation only. The chinese had it to. As a matter of fact the chinese version had a lever that loaded its self. Kind of like a cartridge full of arrows. The list can go on. I see afrocentric claiming that wide nose and big lips are only african features, therefore the olmec are african. That is not only wrong but it’s racist. Those features can be found in other races. Including indians with no admixture also asian and europeans have these features.
Comment by Juan Almonte on October 27, 2008 at 3:44am
I mean to say from the picture of the skull it looks like a caucasion skull.
Comment by Juan Almonte on October 27, 2008 at 3:43am
You know I am no expert. But I have done some researh on anthropogy on my own. The skull actually looks like a caucasion skull. The nose opening is a bit like a triangle shape. African and mongloids (that is what native american are classified) have rounder opening. Especially the african skulls. Also the eyes socket are a bit square that is also a cacasion trait. Looking at the the forehead this is not a mongloid skull. Negroid and caucasoid skull both have round foreheads. Did they find the lower jaw? That could probably give us more info. If not I wonder they reconstructed the face with out the jaw. The jaw gives a bit more info on the skull. But from the little that I seen i would say this is a caucasion jaw. Tomorrow I am gong to read the rest of the links that you posted.

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