Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
Nuestra hermana Bibi Margarita Nogueras visito nuestra ciudad de Pittsburgh este fin de semana y trajo con ella la sabiduria y tradicion de nuestros antepasados tainos. Ella es la patrocinadora de la Jornada Indigena Taina que se observa anualmente en la zona de Jayuya, Boriken (Puerto Rico).
Our sister Bibi Margarita Nogueras visited our city of Pittsburgh this past weekend and brought with her the wisdom and tradition of our Taino ancestors. She is the sponsor of the Jornada Indigena Taina that is observed annually in the region of Jayuya, Boriken (Puerto Rico).
Nuestra joven hermanita Olatokumboh Obasi (Ola) de la nacion africana de Nigeria fue la coordinadora de este evento.
Ella conocio a Bibi Margarita hace unos a~os atras durante su primera visita a Bpriken. Antes de viajar a la isla Ola me pregunto si yo le podria dar algunos nombres de personas alla con quien ella podria hacer contacto. Entre los nombres que yo le di estuvieron los de Bibi Margarita y Bibi Joanna Aya Soto-Aviles.
Our little sister Olakumboh Obasi (Ola) from the African nation of Nigeria was the co-ordinator of this event. She met Bibi Margarita some years ago during her first visit to Boriken. Before her trip to the island Ola asked me if I could give her the names of people over there with whom she would be able to make contact. Among the names that I gave her were those of Bibi Margarita and Bibi Joanna Aya Soto Aviles.
Ola se conecto con estas mujeres sagradas y forjo una amistad muy estrecha con las dos, especialmente con Bibi Margarita, a la cual ella comunmente se referia como su "segunda madre". Esta amistad de tanto respeto y amor a culminado con el evento de este Sabado y este Domingo.
Ola contacted these sacred women and forged a close friendship with both of them, especially Bibi Margarita, whom she referred to as her "second mother". This friendship that features such great respect and love has culminated in the event that took place this past Saturday and Sunday.
A mi se me otorgo el honor de montar un simple altar que le rendia tributo a nuestra madre sagrada Ata Bei, representada por una escultura de barro, y a nuestro padre, el espiritu de la energia celestial Yoka Hu representado por una yuca y un casabe. El altar tambien incluia las imagenes de los cuatro pajaros que representan los cuatro puntos cardenales de la rueda sagrada taina.
I was granted the honor of setting up a simple altar which rendered tribute to our sacred Mother ata Bei, represented by a clay sculpture, and our father the spirit of celestial energy, Yoka Hu, represented by a yuca (manioc) tuber and a wafer of casabe bread made from yuca. The altar also included the images of the four birds that symbolize the four directions North, South East and West of the Taino Medicine Wheel.
Tambien tuve el honor de ofrecer la introduccion de Bibi Margarita y de asistir con las ceremonias.
I also had the honor of delivering the introduction for Bibi Margarita and to assist in the ceremonies.
Fue una bendicion observar el precioso grupo de personas que asistieron, para quienes fue una maravilla recibir las palabras de esta abuela bendita.
We were blessed with a wonderful group of attendees on both days, who were thrilled to receive the words of our blessed grandmother.
El evento fue una ocacion de jubilo y alegria que incluyo momentos de bellas actuaciones artisticas como la danza de nuestra hermana Suzy Hall.
The event was an ocacion of joy and jubilation which included moments of beautiful artistic performances such as the dance performed by our sister Suzy Hall.
Hubo otros momentos de gran jubilo durante los cuales se tocaron toques ritmicos de tambores y se formaron bailes en grupo.
There were other joyous moments with rhythmic drum-playing and jubilant group dancing.
Me dio un gran placer tener a mi hijo Miguel Bano Manigua Sague (El Cha) conmigo el Domingo con nuestro mayohuakan.
It was a pleasure for me to have my son Miguel BanoManigua Sague (El Cha) with me there on the Sunday gathering with our mayohuakan drum.
Tambien fue una grata experiencia para mi familia poder tener a nuestra queridisima hermana Margarita, junto con Ola, la hija de Ola, nuestro amigo de mucho tiempo Johnny Creed Coe y nuestra hermana espiritual Tenanche SemiAta Rose Golden en nuestro hogar el Sabado despues de la reunion.
It was also a beautiful experience to be given the opportunity to host our dear sister Margarita along with Ola, Ola's daughter, our long-time friend Johnny Creed Coe and our spiritual sister Tenanche SemiAta Rose Golden at our family home after the Saturday gathering.
Fue para nosotros una experiencia muy profunda y le damos gracias a los semies que nos trajeron esta gran felicidad de la isla sagrada de Boriken.
For us it was a profound experience and we give thanks to the semies for bringing us this great joy from the sacred island of Boriken.
Jan Jan Katu!
How beautiful it was! The big white sheet,set up as an altar that Beike sat on ,what a great piece-/functional/magical. I certainly wish we had even a fraction of a group like that here in Beacon,NY! I can only do so much with so little. Good to see all of you,Miguel,your hair is getting very long(mine too!),and yes,good to see your son participating alongside you,his father!
What a wonderful event! The family is truly blessed.
My sisters, please know that you were both with us when we were praying. Bibi Rose there will be many many more opportunities for us to be together in ceremony here in Pittsburgh.
I am pleased things went well. I wished I had been present. I had to attend a previous commitment to lead prayer and ceremony for my sister-in-law battleling cancer.
Seneko Kakona,Rose
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