
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.




Takaji Mis Parientes

Takahi My Relatives


Este ultimo sabado 20 de Junio 2015 se celebro en las afueras de la ciudad de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania la ceremonia indigena taina del Solsticio de Verano del Circulo Caney.

Para nostros los dirigentes del centro de ense~anza del Circulo Caney ubicada en Verona, Pennsylvania fue un placer y un honor darle una bienvevenida muy calurosa a las abuelas, bibis y hermanas miembros del Bohio Atabey, organizacion  de mujeres tainas lideriada por Bibi Vanessa Inaru Pastrano, quienes viajaron desde todas partes de la diaspora taina, Boriken (Puerto Rico), Florida, New York, New Mexico, y Ohio para acompa~arnos aqui a celebrar la victoria de Yoka Ju sobre los retos de la vida.


This past Saturday June 20, 2015 just outside the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania we celebrated the Taino Indigenous ceremony of Summer Solstice of the Caney Circle.

For us the directors of the Caney Circle's Verona. PA teaching lodge it was a true pleasure and an honor to warmly welcome the grandmothers, bibis, and sisters, the  members of the the Bohio Atabey, a women's organization led by Bibi Vanessa Inaru Pastrano, all of whom  travelled  from every part of the Taino diaspora, Boriken (Puerto Rico), Florida, New York, New Mexico and Ohio to accompany us here in our celebration of the victory of Yokahu over the challenges of Life.




Tambien fue un honor darle la bienvenida a Cacike Guatu Iri del Yukayeke Manicato de Lancaster, Pennsylvania,  a nuestro hermano boricua de Youngstown, Ohio, Aaron Jutia Bonilla, a nuestro hermano boricua, bohitiu del Circulo Caney, Chris CibaBoinael que viajo desde New Jersey, y a todos los otros hermanos y hermanas tainos y no tainos que participaron, viajando desde Cleveland y otras partes del continente.

It was likewise an honor to welcome  CacikeGuatu Iri of Yukayeke Manicato from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to welcome our Boricua brother from Youngstown, Ohio, Aaron Hutia Bonilla, to welcome our Boricua brother, The Caney Circle bohitiu Chris CibaBoinael, who travelled from New Jersey, and all the other Taino and non-Taino brothers and sisters who participated , travelling from other parts of the continent. 




























Fue un verdadero placer estar de Nuevo con todos nuestros amigos de esta area de Pennsylvania, especialmente nuestra apreciada Hermana taina boricua Alliea Martinez con su esposo Rafael, y nuestra otra apreciada hermana taina boricua, Maribel Pintado Espiet con su compa~era de vida Bernardette.


It was a true pleasure to be again in the company of all our friends from this area of Pennsylvania, especially our dear Boricua Taino sister Alliea Martinez with her husband Rafael,  and our other dear Boricua Taino sister,  Maribel Pintado Espiet, with her life partner Bernardette. 





Como siempre fue un honor tambien para mi recibir la asistencia de mis dos queridisimas compa~eras de trabajo sagrado de mas de 30 a~os aqui en esta area de Pennsylvania, Bibi Tenanche Cemi-Ata Rose Golden, que es behike de nuestro Caney, y Behike Karmen (White Hawk Jaguar) Chavez-Mogdam, cuya colaboracion aseguro el exito de nuestra labor. A esas dos mujeres le debo todo.

As always it was also an honor to have had access to the patient collaboration of my dear colleagues with whom I have been carrying out this sacred work for the past 30 years plus here in this area of Pennsylvania, Bibi Tenanche Cemi-Ata Rose Golden, who is a behike of our Caney, and Behike Karmen (White Hawk Jaguar) Chavez-Mogdam, whose assistance assured a successful completion of our task. I owe those two women everything.

 A pesar que nuestra madre sagrada AtaBey nos mando tremendo torrecial de lluvia este fin de semana logramos cobijarnos bajo una amplia cubierta en el bello parque North Park, situado hacia el norte de la ciudad.

Como de costumbre, nuestra ceremonia se celebro ante los altares de Bibi AtaBey y Baba YokaJu acompa~ados por los cemies de las cuatro direcciones y comidas sagradas, la calabaza verde del sur, el frijol negro del oeste, el casabe blanco del norte y el maiz Amarillo del este.

In spite of the fact that our sacred mother AtaBey sent us a deluge of torrential rain during most of the weekend we managed to find appropriate shelter because we secured a large pavilion at beautiful North Park in the northern area of Allegheny County.

As usual our ceremony was celebrated  before the altars of Bibi AtaBey and Baba Yokahu, accompanied by the cemies of the four directions and the four sacred foods, the green squash of the South, the black beans of the West, the white casabe of the North and the yellow maize of the East. 

La ceremonia comenzo con las tres purificaciones, los cantos y oraciones a los cemies y las cuatro direcciones, y el ritual del tabaco.

The ceremony began with the three purifications, the chants and prayers to the cemies and to the four directions, and the tobacco ritual. 































Despues nosotros los hombres nos separamos de las mujeres para celebrar a parte el rito del sol radiantel, en el cual nuestro hemano Aaron Jutia Bonilla hizo el papel de Yokaju.

Afterward we the men separated ourselves from the women to celebrate the Radiant Sun ritual on our own. In this part of the ceremony our brother Aaron Hutia Bonilla played the role of YokaHu.



Despues del sol radiante los hombres nos unimos de nuevo a las mujeres para llevar a cabo la danza del tiburon.

After the Radiant Sun Ritual we the men came back together with the women to carry out the Shark Dance.

Esta danza culmino cuando Aaron le disparo la flecha a la efigie del tiburon elaborada de ramas y hojas de plantas naturales.

This dance culminated at the point in which Aaron shot the arrow into the shark effigy crafted out of branches and leaves of natural wild plants.

Ya concluida la danza del tiburon, las mujeres del Bohio AtaBey llevaron a cabo una serie de presentaciones, oraciones, cantos y danzas sumamente inspiradoras al son del mayohuakan taino, que llenaron los corazones y almas de todos los que participamos.

Once the Shark Dance was concluded the women of Bohio AtaBey carried out a series of extremely inspiring presentations, prayers, chants and dances to the rhythm of the Taino mayohuakan drum, which filled the hearts and souls of everyone in attendance.


 La  ceremonia termino con un gran manjar de deliciosas comidas traidas por todos los que participamos.

The ceremony concluded with a great feast of delicious foods brought there by the participants. 

Es un privilegio muy grande tener la oportunidad de servir a mi pueblo y un placer sin igual poder hacerlo aqui mismo donde yo vivo. Le agradezco a Bibi AtaBey y Baba Yokaju, la union de los dos elementos del ser supremo Yaya Guaturey, y a mi pueblo por permitir que yo pueda llevar a cabo mi deber.

It is a great privilege to have had the opportunity to serve my people, and a pleasure without equal to be able to do it right here where I live. I thank Bibi AtaBey and Baba Yokahu, the union of the two elements of the Great Spirit Yaya Guaturey, and my people for allowing me to carry out my duty.


Seneko Kakona

Taino Ti

Miguel Sobaoko Koromo 

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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on June 30, 2015 at 5:35am

Please explore our photo album covering some of the highlights of the sacred women's gathering carried out by the Bohio Ata Bei at the Verona, Pennsylvania Teaching Lodge of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE on Sunday June21, the day after the Solstice. The activities of the women's gathering culminated with a kansi sweat lodge ceremony at Sol Shanti's SACRED ANCIENT ELEMENTAL PRAYER SPACE also in Verona, PA

Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on June 29, 2015 at 10:07pm

The following blog was posted by our dear sister Tai Pelli of Florida who expressed her feelings about the

Solstice Ceremony in her blog page



Bohío Atabei women attend Summer Solstice Ceremony in Pittsburgh

Bohío Atabei women attend Summer Solstice Ceremony in Pittsburgh
June 29th, 2015
Bohío Atabei Mujeres de la Yuca present a gift to Behike Sague at the Taíno Summer Solstice in Pittsburgh. Photo: Courtesy of Bernadette Myd
Women of Bohío Atabei cheer as Bibi Inarunikia Pastrano presents a goft to Behike Sague Photo: Courtesy of Bernadette Myd
On Saturday, June 20th, 2015, women from the Bohío Atabei Mujeres de la Yuca, joined Behike Miguel “Sobaoko Koromo” Sague, as well as members and friends of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle in Pittsburgh, to celebrate the Taíno Summer Solstice Ceremony.
The weather in Pittsburgh had been somewhat challenging for the past few days, yet it did not interfere with the desire of many brothers and sisters to participate in this beautiful and important ceremony. We had the pleasure of finally meeting in person our brothers Chris Hanson, as well as Kasike Guatú Iri from Yukayeke Manicato.
As we waited, Andy Collazo, from Iukaieke Guainía played the mayohuakán, as the women from the Bohio sang and danced. One could not help but join in songs, smiles and the good energy that was being shared by all.
We moved locations, and ended up going to a beautiful park where all shades of green adorned the surroundings. The aroma of the recently showered ground, and the coolness one feels after the rain, became part of the ceremony itself.
The sisters from the Caney, Tenanche, Carmen, Davinia, as well as our other brothers and sisters were all welcoming and embraced us as their guests making us all feel at home and with family.
Having attended other ceremonies by the Caney, I have to say that this one was one of the most beautiful ones yet.  We had a very good and balanced group of men and women. While the men went to have the chord ceremony, the women gathered and shared teachings. This was very empowering to all.
As the men finally returned to circle, they were singing a Taíno song as they were approaching. Without say, we turned to look at our brothers and joined in the song. To me, this was “magical” as I noticed that as the men were getting closer, their voices and that of the women’s became one. It was a spiritual fusion, one of those things to which one can only say: “You had to be there!”
We concluded the ceremony with a poem, songs and dance. The women from Bohío Atabei presented Behike Sague with a beautiful blanket as a token of gratitude.
As the evening progressed, and we shared food and conversation, I observed from a distance, knowing that we all were where we needed to be at that precise moment. It was about connecting with our ancestors, our spiritual family, and honoring all that we are and shall continue to be through our future generations.
Tai Pelli

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