El fin de semana del 30 de Julio 2015 se celebro la ceremonia de Luna LLena segun la tradicion taina del Circulo Espiritual Indigena Caney enYoungstown, Ohio, oficiada por la behike del Circulo Caney, Dr Rosa AnaO. La ceremonia se llevo a cabo en el centro de ense~anza del Circulo Caney de Ohio.
De parte del resto de la comunidad sagrada del Circulo Caney atravez del continente americano es mi honor mandarles un caluroso saludo de solidaridad a todos nuestros tiaono de Ohio. Seneko kakona.
This last weekend of July 30 2015 the Full Moon Ceremony of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle was celebrated in Youngstown, Ohio, officiated by the behike of the Caney Circle, Dr Rosa AnaO. The ceremony took place at the Ohio Caney Circle teaching center.
In behalf of the rest of the sacred Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle community accross the American continent it is my honor to send a warm greeting of solidarity to all our tiaono of Ohio. Seneko Kakona.
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