
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

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registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Ceremonia De Equinoccio en Pittsburgh....Equinox Ceremony In Pittsburgh... 3-19-2016

Takaji Datiaono

Saludos Mis Parientes

Greetings My Relatives

Este ultimo Sabado 19 de Marzo 2016 se celebro la ceremonia del Equinoccio de Primavera segun la tradicion CIRCULO CANEY aqui en Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania en el terreno consagrado a la tradicion indigena taina, O.W.L. Natural Native Reserve.  Este terreno en el barrio de Hazelwood es custodiado por nuestra hermana taina Dee Dee. Fue un honor para mi oficiar esta ceremonia.

This past Saturday March 19 2016 the Spring Equinox ceremony in the tradition of the CANEY CIRCLE was celebrated here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on the grounds of the site consecrated to Taino tradition, O.W.L. Natural Native Reserve.  This site in the neighborhood of Hazelwood is under the guardianship of our Taino sister Dee Dee. It was an honor for me to officiate this ceremony.

El Ritual de la Serpiente fue dirigido por nuestra hermana, la behike del Circulo Caney, Bibi Tenanche SemiAta Golden con la ayuda de la behike Karmen Guaraguao Jaguar Chavez Mogdam.

The Serpent Ritual was led by our sister, the Caney Circle behike Bibi Tenanche SemiAta Golden with the assistance of behike Karmen Hawk Jaguar Chavez Mogdam. 

El cuerpo serpentino fue tegido por las mujeres con sogas de algodon como es de costumbre en nuestra tradicion, y luego ellas llevaron a cabo la Danza de la Boa Constrictora, GUARACHA MAJA.

The serpentine body was woven out of cotton rope by the women as is our custom, and then they carried out the Boa Constrictor Dance, GUARACHA MAHA.

La ceremonia culmino con el desamarre y separacion del cemi trigonolito de Yokahu del aro litico COA, y despues el acto de pasar ese cemi por el centro del aro litico que representa la apertura del utero de AtaBei. De esa manera celebramos el renacimiento del espiritu sagrado de la vida YOKAHU.

The ceremony culminated with the untying and separation of the three-point cemi of Yokahu from the stone hoop COA, and then the passing of that cemi through the center of the hoop which represents the opening of AtaBei's uterus. In this way we celebrated the rebirth of the sacred spirit of Life, YOKAHU.

Nuestra hermana Kelly y nuestro hermano mexica Ben hicieron el papel de AtaBei y Yokahu respectivamente.

Our sister Kelly and our Mexica brother Ben played the roles of AtaBei and Yokahu respectively. 

Como parte del evento nuestra hermana, la behike Karmen distribuyo semillas de maiz a los que acudieron a nuestra ceremonia para darle a cada uno la oportunidad de llevar a cabo su propia ceremonia personal de plantacion en su hogar.

As part of the event our sister, the behike Karmen distributed maize seeds to each participant so that each one could perform his or her own personal planting ritual in his or her own home.

Ya completada la ceremonia principal, Dee Dee hizo una presentacion de 200 arbolitos de la especie "hazelnut" (avellana) destinados a ser sembrados en el local del O.W.L. Natural Native Reserve, que esta ubicado en el barrio Hazelwood. Esta especie de planta es la que inspiro el nombre de este barrio. A mi me toco el honor de bendecir esos arbolitos en el humo del tabonuco taino.

Once the main ceremony was completed Dee Dee made a presentation of 200 hazelnut saplings destined to be planted on the grounds of the O.W.L. Natural Native Reserve, which is located in the neighbor hood of Hazelwood. This species of plant was the one that originally inspired the name of the neighborhood. I was granted the honor of blessing these saplings in the smoke of Taino tabonuco.

Como siempre, me da una enorme satisfaccion verme rodeado de nuevo de mis hermanos y hermanas aqui en Pittsburgh rindiendole tributo a nuestros antepasados y a los cemies de nuestra tradicion. Jan Jan Katu!


As always, it is a source of enormous satisfaction to find myself surrounded once more by my brothers and sisters here in Pittsburgh giving tribute to our ancestors and the cemies of our tradition. Han Han Katu!


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