
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Ceremonia De Equinoccio Lancaster Marzo 2016...Equinox Ceremony Lancaster March 2016

Takaji Mis parientes

Los lideres del Circulo Caney en Lancaster, Pennsylvania, el behike Kasike Guaturey y la behike Erlinda Toa Cao dirigieron las ceremonias del Equinoccio y el rito de la Luna Llena para la comunidad de Yukayeke Manicato en esa ciudad.

The leaders of the Caney Circle in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the behike Kasike Guaturey and the nehike Erlinda Toa Cao guided the Equinox and Full Moon Ceremony for the Yukayeke Manicato community in that city.

Los dos  lideres explicaron las tradiciones y compartieron la sabiduria de los ancestros con  nuestros hermanos y hermanas del Yukayeke Manicato. Y despues los guiaron en las ceremonias de purificacion de agua humo y oracion.

The two leaders explained the traditions and shared the wisdom of the ancestors with our brothers and sisters of Yukayeke Manicato. Then they guided them in the ceremonies of water, smoke and prayer purification.

Ya celebrada la ceremonia inicial las mujeres se separaraon para llevar a cabo el ritual de tejer el cuerpo de la serpiente con sogas y cordeles.

Once the initial ceremony was completed the women separated from the men and they went off to carry out the ceremony in which the cords and ropes are woven to create the serpent's body. 

Cuando se termino de tejer el cuerpo de la serpiente las mujeres llevaron a cabo la Danza Del Maja (Boa Constrictora).

When the serpent's body was woven the women carried out the Maha Dance (Dance of the Boa Constrictor snake).

La ceremonia culmino cuando hombres y mujeres se reunieron para celebrar la separacion del semi trigonolito YOKAHU del aro litioco COA que representa el utero de AtaBey, donde estuvo amarrado desde el Solsticio de Invierno. Esta separacion representa el renacimiento del espiritu de la vida en la Primavera desepues del tiempo muerto durante la temporada seca del Invierno.

The ceremony culminated when the men and the women re-united to celebrate the separation of the three-pointer semi YOKAHU from the stone hoop COA which representes the womb of AtaBey, where he had remained tied with cords since Winter Solstice. This separation represents the rebirth of the Spirit of Life in the Spring after the time of Death that lasted throughout the dry Winter season. 

Queremos felicitar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Yukayeke Manicato, y especialmente a los lideres de esa comunidad quienes llevan a cabo las ceremonias del Circulo Caney alli. Estas fotos demuestran la belleza y devocion de nuestros parientes en Lancaster y la dedicacion de los behikes Kasike Guatu Iri y Erlinda Toa Cao.

We wish to congratulate our brothers and sisters of the Yukayeke Manicato, and especially the leaders of that community who carried out the ceremonies of the Caney Circle over there. These photos demonstrate the beauty and devotion of our relatives in Lancaster and the dedication of the two behikes; Kasike Guatu Iri and Erlinda Toa Cao.


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