Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Takaji Mis Parientes
Takaji My Relatives
Con muy grata satisfaccion me da el placer de informarles que tuve el honor de compartir la ceremonia de LUNA LLENA de Febrero en la ciudad de Kingston New York en el hogar familiar de la hija de nuestro beike-bajo-entrenamiento Chris (Frank) Quintero Aku Turey
With sweet satisfaction I have the pleasure of informing all of you that I had the honor of sharing February Full Moon Ceremony at the family home of the daughter of our own beike-in-training Chris (Frank) Quintero Aku Turey.
La cerremonia fue anunciada en el area de Woodstock y Poughkeepsie por Chris (Frank) quien me permitio quedarme en su propio apartamento durante el fin de semana. Acudieron varios hermanos y hermanas tainos, y tambien personas indigenas de otras naciones y otras personas de otras razas. Todos les rendimos honor a la madre tierra y su avatar la luna como hermanos y hermanas.
The ceremony was publicized in the Woodstock and Poughkeepsie area by Chris (Frank) who also served as my host and allowed me to stay at his house over the weekend. There were various Taino brothers and sisters in attendance, as well as members of other Indigenous nations and also other non-Native participants. We all honored Mother Earth and her avatar the Moon together as brothers and sisters.
Una hermana indigena del Peru nos honro haciendo el papel de Ata Bey la Madre Cosmica al prender las velas y decir las palabras sagradas "Las Mujeres maintienen en si el ritmo del universo".
An Indigenous sister from Peru honored us by performing the role of Ata Bey the Cosmic Matriarch and as she lit the two candles of the ceremony she spoke the sacred words "The women have within them the rythm of the Universe".
Compartieron con nosotros la proxima generacion de tainos, los preciosos nietos de Chris AkuTurey quienes me ayudaron a preparar el altar de la ceremonia.
We were joined by the next generation of Tainos, the precious grandchildren of Chris AkuTurey who eagerly helped me set up the altar for the ceremony.
Taino Ti
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