
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Ceremonia de Luna LLena Lancaster.......Full Moon Ceremony in Lancaster Dec 2014

La comunidad taina Yukayeke Manicato celebro su ceremonia de Luna Llena mensual en el CENTRO CULTURAL TAINO MANICATO hubicado en la ciudad de Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Diciembre del 2014. La behike del Circulo Espiritual Indigena Caney, Erlinda Toa Kao (Madre Cuervo) oficio la ceremonia, que fue presenciada por el Kasike del Yukayeke, el Jefe Guatu Iri, y miembros de la comunidad.

El Yukayeke Manicato recientemente fundo este centro cultural, el cual es la inspiracion del kasike y promete abrirle las puertas del la cultura ancestral a miles de tainos que viven en el estado de Pennsylvania.

Yo llegue al centro a las 4:30 de la tarde el dia de la ceremonia y me quede impresionadisimo con el progreso de este precioso sitio de aprendizaje. 


The Yukayeke Manicato Taino community held its monthly Full Moon Ceremony at the new MANICATO TAINO CULTURAL CENTER in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in Dec 2014. Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle behike Erlinda Toa Kao (Mother Crow) officiated the ceremony, which was attended by the kasike of the yukayeke, Chief Guatu Iri and members of the community.

The Yukayeke Manicato recently founded this cultural center, which is the inspiration of the kasike and promises to open the doors of ancestral culture to thousands of Tainos living in the Pennsylvania area.

I arrived at about 4:30 PM on the day of the ceremony and was left dumbstruck by the progress of the beautiful learning site

La coleccion de presentaciones  culturales le ofrece al visitante un equilibrio de objetos que lo mismo incluye artefactos arqueologicos de mas de 500 a~os de edad, que obras de artesania taina que se elaboran presentemente en Boriken (Puerto Rico) y Kiskeya (Republica Dominicana).


The cultural presentation collection offers the visitor a balance of objects that includes archeological artifacts more than 500 hundred years old, as well as contemporary craft items that are being created presently in Boriken (Puerto Rico) and Kiskeya (Dominican Republic).

La ceremonia comenzo a las 6:00 PM con la llamada a los cemies a voz  del guamo de caracol. De ahi Behike Toa Kao consacro el medio ambiente del local con el humo del tabonuco y despues comenzo la purificacion de cada uno de los participantes con el mismo humo.


The ceremony began with the call to the cemies using the voice of the guamo sea-shell horn. After that  Behike Toa Kao consecrated the place with the smoke of the tabonuco (copal) incense and then purified each one of the participants with the same smoke.

La ceremonia de purificacion con agua siguio inmediatamente.


This was followed immediately by the water purification ceremony.

Despues de la ceremonia de purificacion a oraciones el tabaco fue fumado de forma ceremonial.


After the purification of prayers the tobacco was ceremonially smoked.  


Los cantos sagrados del Circulo Caney sonaron en la noche y despues una de las mujeres del grupo sirvio de representante de la madre cosmica, AtaBey, en la ceremonia de la doble luz de la luna llena, recitando la oracion de las palabras sagradas.


The sacred chants of the Caney Circle rang out in the night and later one of the women of the group served to represent the cosmic mother, AtaBey, in the full moon double light ceremony, reciting the prayer of the sacred words. 


Esta fue una muy grata experiencia para mi, el poder compartir rituales ancestrales con mis queridos parientes tainos  de Lancaster. Seneko Kakona a todos ellos.


It was for me a blessing to be able to share ancestral ritual with my dear Taino relatives  of Lancaster. Seneko Kakona.

Jan Jan Katu

Taino Ti

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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on January 6, 2015 at 1:28am

I look forward to more trips to Lancaster to participate with you and yours

Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on January 6, 2015 at 1:24am

Behike Toa Kao...You took a well-deserved break....You are one of the most active members of our Caney Circle behike have no need to ask for forgiveness. That is why I felt that you were ready to receive your behike necklace... the people admire your dedication and hard work. I admire it also and I see in you a wonderful example of what a behike ought to be. I will look forward to more of your posts here in this network as you evolve in your mission as holy woman and I see wonderful things for us in yourregion because of what you and your people are doing. SENEKO KAKONA!


Comment by Erlinda Mother Crow Cruz on January 5, 2015 at 9:02pm

Ty for the kindness dear brother. Sorry havent been on for a while :) Kind of enjoying this time of dormancy :)

Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on December 14, 2014 at 7:14pm
That was exactly what was going through my mind when I was there brother....seeing all this positive progress mad me extremely optimistic!
Comment by AkuTurey on December 14, 2014 at 4:00pm

What a great collection of Tainp pieces,art...and all the brothers and sisters gathered together in ceremony..MORE! hopefully,we all can make it happen that Taino is seen more,that we no longer hear,"ph they were all killed off,right?",of "What's that?"   Keep up all the good work.

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