
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Ceremonias De Luna Llena y SIRIK Mayo 2019------Full Moon and SIRIK Ceremonies May 2019

Los behikes del Circulo Caney se dedicaron a celebrar las dos ceremonias del mes de Mayo LA LUNA LLENA y SIRIK en locales de diferentes partes del mundo.

The behikes of the Caney Circle dedicated themselves to the celebration of the two ceremonies of the month of May, FULL MOON and SIRIK in localities all over the world.



En la ciudad de Santo Domingo, Kiskeya (Republica Dominicana) nuestro behike bajo entrenamiento Otto Nicanor DeSanctis celebro la ceremonia de Luna Llena en su propio hogar

In the city of Santo Domingo, Kiskeya (Dominican Republic) our behike trainee Otto Nicanor De Sanctis celebrated the Full Moon ceremony in his own home.


En la ciudad de Poiughkeepsie, New York la behike bajo entrenamiento, Mercedes Anakachi Garcia celebro la ceremonia de Luna Llena en su propio hogar acompa~ada de sus hijos.

In the city of Poughkeepsie, New York the behike trainee, Mercedes Anakachi Garcia celebrated Full Moon ceremony in her own home accompanied by her children.


En la ciudad de Portland, Oregon la behike bajo entrenamiento, Lara Pacheco celebro la ceremonia de Luna Llena en su propio hogar.

In the city of Portland, Oregon the behike trainee Lara Pacheco celebrated the Full Moon Ceremony in her own home.


En la ciudad de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania nuestra behike Dayvanna (Caraballo) Mitchell Schreiner celebro las dos ceremonias, Luna Llena y Sirik, acompa~ada por miembros de esa comunidad y asistida por el tekina Miguel Sague.

In the city of Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania our behike Dayvanna (Caraballo) Mitchell Schreinee celebrated both ceremonies, Full Moon and Sirik in the company of members of the community and assisted by tekina Miguel Sague.


En la ciudad de Lancaster, Pennsylvania el behike bo del Circulo Caney, CASIKE GUATU IRI celebro la ceremonia de Sirik y Luna Llena asistido por el behike bajo entrenamiento Nicoari. Las ceremonias fueron celebradas en la cede del Yukayeke Manicato, el museo y centro ceremonial taino de Lancaster.

In the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania the behike bo of the Caney Circle CASIKE GUATU IRI celebrated the Sirik ceremony assisted by the behike trainee Nicoari. The ceremonies were carried out at the main site of the Yukayeke Manicato Taino community, the Taino museum and ceremonial center of Lancaster.


En la ciudad de Ciales, Boriken (Puerto Rico) el behike bajo entrenamiento Rafael Torres (Yamboaki) celebro la Luna Llena en su propio hogar acompa~ado de su madre y de un miembro de la comunidad local.

In the city of Ciales, Boriken (Puerto Rico) the behike trainee Rafael Torres (Yamboaki) celebrated the Full Moon at his own home in the company of his mother and a member of the local community.


En la ciudad de Conestoga, Pennsylvania la behike bajo entrenamiento Julia Garci (Karaya Guaili) celebro la ceremonia de Luna Llena en su propio hogar.

In the city of Conestoga, Pennsylvania the behike trainee Julia Garci (Karaya Guaili) celebrated the Full Moon ceremony in her own home.


-En la ciudad de Lakemont, Georgia el behike bajo entrenamiento, William Rodriguez celebro la ceremonia de Luna Llena en su propio hogar.

In the city of Lakemont, Georgia the behike trainee, William Rodriguez celebrated the Full Moon Ceremony in his own home.


En la Ciudad de New York City, New York el behike Ludger TiLou "Lil Wolf" BALAN celebro la ceremonia de Luna Llena y la ceremonia de Sirik en su propio hogar. Fue acompa~ado por otros miembros de la communidad.

In the City of New York, New York the behike Ludger Tilou "Lil Wolf" BALAN celebrated the Full Moon ceremony and the Sirik ceremony in his own home. He was accompanied by other members of the community.


En la ciudad de Suquamish, British Columbia, Canada, el behike bajo entrenamiento, Jaime Ceferino celebro la ceremonia de Luna Llena en su propio hogar.

In the city of Suquamish, British Columbia, Canada, the behike trainee, Jaime Ceferino celebrated the Full Moon ceremony at his own home.


En la ciudad de Union, New Jersey el behike bo del Circulo Caney, Casike Guatu Iri celebro la ceremonia de Sirik acompa~ado por miembros de esa comunidad y asistido por el behike Ferdinand Uaian Bruno.

In the city of Union, New Jersey the behike bo of the Caney Circle Casike Guatu Iri, celebrated the ceremony of Sirik in the company of members of tjat community, and assisted by behike Ferdinand Uaian Bruno.


En la ciudad de Orlando, Florida el behike Joey Carei celebro la ceremonia de Sirik al aire libre.

In the city of Orlando, Florida the behike Joey Carei celebrated the Sirik ceremony at an outdoor location.

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