
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.





Takaji Mis Parientes

Takaji My Relatives


Este pasado Sabado Febrero 14, 2015, disfrute el calor de la hermandad y la amistad de mis hermanos y hermanas caribe~os y tambien con amigos de otras nacionalidades y etnias que se reunieron en la ciudad de Jersey City, estado de New Jersey, para celebrar el festival de artes TRIBAL TRANSCEDENCE 2 (Trancendencia Tribal numero dos). Viaje a New Jersey con mi familia, mi esposa Leni MaisGuariche y mi hijo Miguel BanoManigua Sague III para representar a nuestro CIRCULO INDIGENA ESPIRITUAL CANEY. Tuve el placer de encontrarme alli con varios de los personajes que para mi son los mas apreciados de la RESURGENCIA TAINA; Mi amigo Akichitai Urayoel y mi otro amigo el kasike del yukayeke Maisiti Taino, Roman Guaraguaorix. Fui invitado al evento por su coordinador principal, Caney Taino, quien yo conoci durante mi participacion en la celebracion de la ceremonia de LUNA LLENA con Behike Erlinda Toa Cao y la comunidad Yukayeke Manicato, en Lancaster, Pennsylvania el a~o pasado.


This past Saturday February 14, 2015, I enjoyed the warmth of friendship and brotherhood of my Caribbean brothers and sisters and also with friends of other nationalities and ethnicities who gathered  in Jersey City, New Jersey to celebrate the arts festival called TRIBAL TRANSCENDENCE 2. I travelled to New Jersey in the company of my wife Leni MaisGuariche Sague and my son Miguel BanoManigua Sague III to represent our CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE. I had the pleasure of running into some of my favorite figures of  the Taino Resurgence Movement; my friend Akichitai Urayoel and my other friend, the kasike of Yukayeke Maisiti Taino, Roman GuaraguaoRix. I was originally invited to the event by its principal coordinator, Caney Taino, whom I met during my participation at the celebration of the FULL MOON CEREMONY with Behike Erlinda Toa Cao and the Yukayeke Manicato community, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania last year. 

Tuve la oportunidad de exibir varias de mis pinturas y de montar my quiosco de ventas del Circulo Caney donde ofresco objetos de arte y productos de cuidado personal de la compa~ia NATIVE TOUCH (Toque Nativo), manufacturados a mano por la pareja del taino Joseph Amahura y su esposa Cheerokee. 


I was given the opportunity to exhibit various of my paintings and to set up the Caney Circle fundraiser sales booth where I offer a variety of arts and crafts objects as well as the personal care products of the company NATIVE TOUCH, manufactured by hand by the couple, the Taino Joseph Amahura and his Cherokee wife. 



Tambien me encontre con una preciosa variedad de otros objetos de arte. 

There was a beautiful, rich variety of other arts and crafts on display there. 

Se presentaron demonstraciones artisticas y las actividades fueron cooordinadas por Caney Taino. El kasike Roman tuvo la oportunidad de hacer una presentacion.

There were artistic presentations and the activities were co-ordinated by Caney Taino. The Kasike Roman had the opportunity to make a presentation.



Las presentaciones artisticas del evento tambien incluyeron toques del tambor taino mayohuakan por nuestro hermano Akichitai Urayoel quien es el que construye estos tambores de tronco hueco. Mi hijo Miguel BanoManigua Sague III, que es percusionista profecional, y yo tambien tuvimos la oportunidad de tocar algunos ritmos en los mayohuakanes de Urayoel, quien tuvo la bondad de permitirnos su uso. Tambien hubo presentaciones de danzas tribales.


The event's artistic presentations  also included performances on the Taino mayohuakan drum by our brother Akichitai Urayoel, who actually manufactures these drums. My son Miguel BanoManigua Sague III, who is a professional percussionist, and I also had the opportunity to perform a few rhythms on Urayoel's mayohuakans, thanks to his generously giving us permission to use them. There were also a number of tribal dance performances. 


Tuve la oportunidad de pasarlo muy bien con gente sumamente amable y agradable.

I had the opportunity to spend time with extremely kind and pleasant people.

Que tarde mas bonita e pasado con mi familia y mis familiares tribales!

What a beautiful afternoon I spent in the company of my family and also my tribal family!


Seneko kakona


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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on February 23, 2015 at 11:48pm
I am so flattered and honored by your kind words about my art sister Rose Anao...Thank you.
Comment by Dr. Rose M. Xochitl AnaO Quinone on February 22, 2015 at 2:41pm


Such beauty in your artistic abilities, as I have told you. Wow, gracias por compartir.

Xochitl AnaO

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