
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.





     Mis hermanos y hermanas, el Domingo 30 de Octubre celebramos la ceremonia tradicional dedicada a los seres queridos que an cruzado a la tierra de Coaybay, el reino de los difuntos. Nos reunimos en el local de la organizacion ONE WORLD LOVE (AMOR DE UN SOLO MUNDO) de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Esta organizacion es parte del Circulo Espiritual Indigena Caney.

Los ancestros de cada uno de los que asistieron al evento nos acompa~aron alli y regaron sus bendiciones sobre nuastras almas.

My brothers and sisters, This past Sunday, October 30 we celebrated the traditional ceremony dedicated to the loved ones who have already crossed over into CoayBay, the realm of the departed. We gathered at the home site of the organization called ONE WORLD LOVE of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This organization is part of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle.

The ancestors of each one of the attendees joined us there and spread their blessings upon our souls.

Como siempre la ceremonia tuvo de enfoque nuestra certidumbre que los antepasados ya desaparecidos y otros seres queridos que se han adelantado antes de nosotros a CoayBay tienen el poder de ayudar y aconsejar a los vivos atravez de los rituales que nos han legado nuestros ancestros. Por eso mantenemos y promovemos estas tradiciones que construyen esos puentes de amor y comunicacion entre este mundo de los vivos y el mundo de los difuntos.

As usual this ceremony created a focus on our certainty that our ancestors who have already left us and other loved ones who have moved on ahead of us to CoayBay have the power to assist us and counsel the living through the rituals that have been bequeathed to us by our ancestors. Because of this we maintain and promote these traditions that create those bridges of love and communication between this world and the world of the departed.



En el estado de West Virginia nuestro behike bajo entrenamiento, Heriberto Guaragua'Niki Martinez oficio la ceremonia del DIA DE LOS MUERTOS

In the state of West Virginia our behike-in-training, Heriberto Guaragua'Niki Martinez officiated the DAY OF THE DEAD ceremony.

Seneko Kakona a todos nuestros parientes

Seneko Kakona to all our relatives

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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on November 10, 2016 at 11:39am

What an honor and a pleasure it was to have you here with us my brother. I was so thrilled to have you share in our ceremony! I look forward to having you here again soon.

Comment by Caney Taino on November 5, 2016 at 6:57pm

Hello All My Brothers and Sisters, It was an honor and privilege to share more space with our Caney Behikes. These ceremonies are always so powerful. Thank You to the O.W.L. community for making me feel welcomed in Pittsburgh (my new home). I keep adopting homes (hehehe). I plan on visiting the O.W.L. grounds for other Ceremonies (I hope there's room!, :) ).

'Til Next time:


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