Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
A Prepararnos Para El Equinoccio De Primavera
Preparing for Spring Equinox
Mis hermanos y hermanas
My brothers and sisters
Durante estas semanas de la temporada de invierno ya empezanos a enfocar nuestros pensamientos en torno a la ceremonia sagrada del Equinoccio que se acerca. Esta ceremonia esclarece en nuestras mentes la claridad del un nuevo renacer. En esta era cuando las ense~anzas de los antepasados nos demuestran profecias antiguas de renacimiento y nuevo amanecer humano, nuestra tradicion taina nos guia de dia a dia estableciendo en nuestro corazon un renacimiento anual al principio de la temporada de lluvias en la primavera, que al igual tambien enfoca el elemento de nuevos inicios. Nuestro Se~or divino de la vida, Yoka Ju, renacera, surgiendo del utero de su madre la deidad femenina Atabey, durante la ceremonia del Equinoccio, y a la vez tambien nosotros experimentaremos un nuevo renacimiento como seres humanos que somos. Yoka Ju representa la energia y esencia del ser viviente, por lo cual al renacer el, renacemos todos. Nuestra madre divina, Atabey demuestra su poder infinito de generosidad y fertilidad al dar luz a su hijo Yokaju. Ella es la fuente de toda vida y energia. En la ceremonia del Equinoccio se le rinde tributo a ella por ser la que nos da vida y nos mantiene. Siendo la madre de Yoka ju el espiritu de la vida, ella tambien es la madre de toda la humanidad. Empezemos a preparar nuestras almas para este glorioso renacimiento. Yo les ruego que todos ustedes se ocupen de se~alar en sus calendarios un dia durante el fin de semana de Marzo 21para celebrar este dia de ceremonia y regocijo.
During these weeks of the winter season we are already focusing our thoughts on the upcoming sacred ceremony of the Equinox. This ceremony leads our minds into the clarity of new rebirth. In this, the era when the wisdom of the ancestors is demonstrating to us the ancient prophecies of a global rebirth and a new dawn in human history, our Taino tradition guides us from day to day establishing in our hearts an annual rebirth event at the beginning of the Rainy Season that in a similar manner also brings into focus for us the element of new beginnings. Our divine Lord of Life, Yoka Hu, will be re-born, emerging from the uterus of his mother, the female deity Atabey during the Equinox Ceremony, and at the same time we also will experience a new rebirth as the human beings that we are. Yoka Hu represents the energy and essence of the living being, which is the reason that when he is reborn, we are all reborn. Our divine mother Atabey demonstrates her infinite power of generosity and fertility when she gives birth to her son Yokahu. She is the source of all Life and Energy. During the Equinox ceremony we render tribute to her for being the one who gives us Life and maintains us. Being the mother of Yokahu, who is the spirit of Life, she is also the mother of all humanity. Let us then begin to prepare our souls for this glorious rebirth. I pray that all of you my brothers and sisters single out a day sometime around the weekend of March 21 in order to celebrate this day of ceremony and rejoicing.
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