
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Investiture of Kasike Roberto Mukaro Agueybana Borrero

On Sunday June 24 2012 (Maya Calendar date "6 AHAU") Roberto Mukaro Agueybana Borrero, the President and Chairman of the U.S. Regional Coordinating Office of the United Confederation of Taíno People (UCTP) and Chair of the NGO Committee on the United Nations International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples was invested by the Council of Grandmothers (bibis) of his tribal community YUKAYEKE GUAINIA as the official KASIKE (chief) of the community. The ceremony was also attended by bibis from a number of other Taino communities including some who had travelled all the way from Florida and Boriken.

As part of the event Kasike Mukaro was awarded a brand new gold guanin which bears the offical symbol of the Yukayeke Guainia.

I was given the honor to conduct part of the closing ceremonies during this historic ocasion in co-operation with Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle beike Domingo Turey Hernandez, the Bibi of the Bohio Ata Bey Vanessa Inaru Pastramo, Kasike Roman Guaraguaorix of Yukayeke Maisiti, and a  number of other prominent figures of the contemporary Taino Resurgence movement.

It was such a thrill for me to see our Taino leaders gathered together to honor and solemnly legitimize the leadership status of this great and humble guide of our people.

Unfortunately my complicated travel arrangements caused me to miss the earlier portions of the ceremony which was held in Mukaro's back yard in Long Island but I was lucky that I arrived just in time to be able to make a convocation at the end of the event and express my sincere feelings concerning this pivotal ocasion.

 I want to express my gratitude that Yaya Guaturey the GREAT SPIRIT allowed me the honor of being present at this important event and in the company of many of my old friends and new acquaintances. I look forward to the footage collected by our brother the film maker from LOST TAINO TRIBE Alex Zacharias who was also there.

May Ata Bey and Yoka Hu continue guiding our chief as he continues to move forward on all of his important endeavors and may our Taino Resurgence grow and blossom as a result of his work.

Seneko Kakona to all of our people

Taino Ti


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Comment by Joanna 'Aya' Soto-Avilés on June 28, 2012 at 7:04pm

Seneko Kakona to Kasike Mukaro Agueibana and his beautiful family.

May YaYa and the Ancestors Bless, Guide and Protect him and his beautiful family, now and always. 

It truly was a beautiful, spiritual gathering and this Bibi is thankful to have been a part of this wonderful ceremony.

Bo-matum, Hahom, Behike Miguel for sharing these lovely photos. 

Seneko Kakona,
Love, Hugs, Peace & Blessings,
Joanna (Aya) & Family

Comment by Kolibri on June 28, 2012 at 12:24pm

Congratulations to Kacike Mukaro Agueybana. Thank you for the welcome to your home and allowing this Bibi to be part of this amazing ceremony.

May the Great Spirit bless you and your beautiful family. 

It was a most amazing gathering. I am glad I was there.

Thank you Behike Miguel for sharing these beautiful pictures.

Kolibri Plain Bull

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