Takaji My Relatives
Our Peaceburgh community sister Abby requested a special sweatlodge ceremony for a small group of friends and we gathered at the Verona Pennsylvania teaching/healing lodge of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE near Pittsburgh on the evening of Nov 11 2012.
Our dear spiritual brother Harold (Dog) Roman Nose showed up early with his little daughter Eva to get the sacred guatu fire going. I blessed it with copal and sage and soon they had that thing roaring and the ciba (grandfather stones) began to glow with life.
It was already dark when we entered the guanara and began the four rounds of the ceremony. I made sure to dedicate part of my intention in the lodge to our relatives still struggling out of the rubble and hardship left behind by Hurricane Sandy in the east coast and in the Caribbean (my birth city of Santiago De Cuba is still recovering from being hard-hit by the storm). I also dedicated prayers in behalf of my Taino spiritual relatives who have lost loved ones recently.
I want to send a big Bo Matun and a big Hahom to all of the wonderful friends who showed up with Abby this past Sunday to share in this ceremony. I especially want to thank Dog for his tireless dedication to the task of fire-tending. Seneko Kakona to all of them.
Taino Ti
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