Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
Takaji datiao
Saludos Mis Parientes
Greetings My Relatives
El Domingo 20 de Julio nosotros aqui en Peaceburgh tuvimos el placer de recibir un maestro de la tradicion Azteca Mexica a nuestra ciudad. El abuelo Mazatzin nos hizo su presentacion en el parque principal del centro de la ciudad de Pittsburgh, Point State Park. Mazatzin fue traido a Peaceburgh por nuestro hermano Nick Joseph, quien lo conocio hace un tiempo atras durante una visita al monticulo sagrado de la serpiente en Ohio.
El abuelo nos presento los elementos mas importantes del sagrado Tonalpohualli, el Calendario Azteca. Encontre muy interesante la posibilidad de comparar las cosas que aprendimos de este maestro acerca de la tradicion del calendario Azteca, con las cosas que yo aprendi acerca del calendario Maya hace a~os atras.
On Sunday July 20 we here in Peaceburgh had the pleasure of hosting an elder of the Mexica Aztec tradition in our city. Grandfather Mazatzin offered us his presentation at Point State Park the principal park in downtown Pittsburgh. Mazatzin was brought to Peaceburgh by our brother Nick Joseph who met him during a visit to the Serpent Mound in Ohio.
Grandfather presented us with the most important elements of the sacred Tonalpohualli, the Aztec Calendar. It was fascinating to compare what we learned from this teacher about Aztec calendric tradition with what I learned from my Guatemalan teachers years ago about the Maya Calendar.
Todo empezo en un sitio a la entrada del parque. Aqui nuestra hermana Kelly Maize abrio el evento con su interpretacion de una cancion sagrada mientras nuestra otra hermana Kathy Evans-Palmisano consagro el principio del evento con el humo del sahumerio de salvia.
Everything began at the entrance of the park. At that place our sister Kelly Maize opened the event with her interpretation of a sacred song while our other sister Kathy Evans-Palmisano consecrated the beginning of the gathering with the smoke of sage smudge
Despues continuamos en procecion por debajo del puente portal cantando y tocando los tambores, hacia el sitio principal del evento adentro del parque, cerca de la fuente grande.
After that we proceeded in processional line, singing and playing the drums under the portal bridge and into the main part of the park where we gathered for the principal event not far from the big fountain.
Nuestra hermana Vikki Hanchin abrio esa parte del evento con la presentacion del maestro y de aquellos guais espirituales locales que lo precederian.
The event was introduced by our sister Vikki Hanchin, who presented the guest teacher and the local spiritual guides who would precede him.
still from a video by Kimberly June
Despues de esa introduccion nuestra hermana Bibi Tenanche Cemi-Ata Golden celebro la invocacion de la cinco direcciones con mi ayuda.
After that introduction our sister Bibi Tenanche Cemi-Ata Golden officiated the invocation of the five directions with my assistance.
El maestro compartio muchas de las ense~anzas que el y su familia han heredado de sus antepasados Aztecas, y que decienden desde los tiempos de los Olmekas, Toltekas y los antiguos Mayas.
The teacher shared many of the teachings which he and his family have inherited from his Aztec ancestors, and which descend all the way down from the time of the Olmeks, the Tolteks and the ancient Mayas.
Nosotros aqui en Peaceburgh nos sentimos muy dichosos de haber tenido la oportunidad de oir a este maestro y nos sentimos muy agradecidos a Nick por habernoslo traido.
We here in Peaceburgh feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to listen to this elder and thank Nick for bringing him to us
Seneko kakona
Abundantes bendiciones
Abundant blessings
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague
I was out of the loop a bit leading up to and during our trip to Puerto Rico this month. I'm sure it was a case of me just missing the announcements. I will pay better attention. I also changed my notification selection on the Peaceburgh Facebook page, so that I will get emails when entries are made. I'm so proud of all that happens at the heart of our three (four) rivers.
My brothers Jeff and Frank it thrills me to read your words of encouragement in regard to this event that took place here. Jeff Im sorry that you missed this. I wish I had thought of sending you a special invite but I thought you had seen the announcements. Frank I sincerely look forward to seeing a Caney Circly thriving in that area of upstate New York.
These pictures are great,I am here in Beacon,NY,where the Peruvian tradition has taken root,and I hope to be able to "plant" our Taino traditions here as well...there is a large Borikua population here.
This is great,I am very curious to know what the comparison to the Mayan calendar interpretations were like. Beike Miguel's knowledge of the Mayan calendar,taught to him from his Maya elders supply us with a reliable and accurate source.
How excellent to have this elder visit and teach! I wish that I had known about this event, I would have loved to attend. I will have to watch more diligently for announcements of our local happenings. Taino ti!
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