Takahi my relatives
This year the German children's music recording artists Pit Budde and Josephine Kronfli, who originally released and sold hundreds of copies of their version of our much-loved Taino song to Atabey, finally gave us credit for the authorship of that song. Several months ago they officially listed the song in the national German song registry GEMA and added me as the author of the original tune with Pit Budde as the German language lyrics creator.
Meanwhile here in the U.S.A, we have finally released our own new version of our song. We call it ATABEY (Taino Ti). Our version is a beautifully crafted professional recording put together at Pittsburgh's MR SMALLS RECORDING STUDIO and released by CREATIVE LIFE SUPPORT RECORDS.
This is the song that we have been singing during ceremonies of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle since 1982, and which we originally recorded in a very simple audiotape cassette in 1991. That earlier one was the version first heard by the German song writer.
This is the new version of the song as it appears in our full-length multi-song album cd SONGS FROM THE STONE HOOP. Here is how to get your own copy. Click this link.
ATABEY (Taino Ti)
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