
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Participamos en Festival Hispano de Ohio..........We Participated in a Hispanic Festival in Ohio

Takaji datiaono (saludos mis parientes)(greetings my relatives)

El fin de semana de Agosto 15 y 16 tuve el placer de participar en el festival hispano de la ciudad de Youngstown Ohio en colaboracion con nuestra hermana la behike del Circulo Espiritual Caney y representante oficial de la Confederacion Unida del Pueblo Taino en el estado de Ohio, Rosa AnaO Quinones. Nos acompa~aron varios miembros de la comunidad taina de esa ciudad.

Nuestro aporte al evento comenzo con un desfile de automobiles durante el cual fuimos representados por un gran cartel amarrado al frente del primer carro que ostentaba el bello logo de CUPT. Despues del desfile por las calles de Youngstown nos establecimos en nuestro quiosco donde teniamos una exibicion de cultura taina con mesas llenas de replicas de artefactos y literatura de la CUPT.

On the weekend of August 15 and 16 I had the pleasure of participating in the anual Hispanic festival of the city of Youngstown, Ohio in colaboration with our sister the Caney Circle behike and UNITED CONFEDERATION OF TAINO PEOPLE representative in Ohio, Dr. Rose AnaO Quinones. We were joined by a number of members of the local Taino community. Our contribution to the event began with our participation in a car caravan in which our lead car was decked out with a large sign bearing the beaitiful logo of the UCTP. Later, after the car caravan we gathered at our Taino culture booth where we displayed tables covered with replicas of authentic Taino artifacts and offered UCTP literature.

Desde esas mesas tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir y educar a los muchos hermanos y hermanas boricuas que se nos acercaron anciosos por aprender algo sobre su cultura indigena.

From those tables we had the opportunity to share and educate the many Boricua brothers and sisters who approached us eager to learn something about their Indigenous culture.

Se nos dio la opportunidad de presentar una demonstracion de musica y baile taino en el eccenario principal.

We were given the opportunity to present a demonstration of Taino music and dance on the main stage.

Para mi esposa Leni y yo fue un gran honor participar en este evento y quiero felicitar a nuestra behike Bibi Rosa AnaO por haber organizado y coordinado esta participacion tan abilmente

For my wife Leni and I it was a great honor to participate in this event and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our behike, Bibi Rose AnaO Quinones for organizing and coordinating this participation and so effectively.

Seneko Kakona

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