
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.

womens park permit 2023

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.




Datiaono (Mis hermanos y hermanas), Fue para mi un honor participar en la celebracion metafisica y trancendetal de STARWOOD los dias 8, 9, y 10 de Julio de 2015.

Fui recibido con mucho amor y acogimiento por los organizadores del festival y por todoos los participantes del evento con los cuales tuve el placer de pasar tiempo.

Datiaono (My brothers and sisters), It was an honor to participate in the metaphysical transcendental celebration of STARWOOD on July 8, 9, 10 of 2015

I was received with a great deal of love by the organizers of the festival and by every participant with whom I had the honor of interacting. 

Este a~o yo fui invitado por mi amiga Kim Fitch Tharp, quien se esmero en hacer mi estancia en el campo de Wisteria sumamente agradable. 

This year I was invited to the event by my friend Kim Fitch Tharp, who did everything in her power to make my stay at Wisteria Camp extremely pleasant. 

El festival, como en a~os pasados, fue una manifestacion de magia, arte, musica, y amor donde siempre yo me e sentido muy rodeado de las mas positivas emanaciones. 

This festival, as in years past, was a manifestation of love, art, music, and Peace, in which I have always felt surrounded by the most positive of emanations. 

Aunque yo traia mi tienda de campa~a, me encontre con el hecho que no tuve que armarla, pues los organizadores me tenian preparada una gran tienda de campa~a ya eregida con cama y todo, y ademas, al lado de esa, tenia un espacio cubierto por un gran toldo bajo el cual pude establecer un espacio en el cual ofreci divinaciones y oraculos a base de caracoles tainos para el publico.

Although I arrived with a very good tent for camping, when I got there I was confronted by the fact that the organizers had made available to me huge tent which was already put up and attached to a large tarp under which I was able to set up a space where I could offer the general attendees Taino Indigenous sea shell divinations and readings. 

Los organizadores del evento apartaron un espacio en el programa para que yo pudiera ofrecer dos presentaciones educacionales en las cuales comparti elementos de la tradicion ceremonial taina.

The organizers of the event set aside some schedule time in the program during which I was able to offer two group educational presentations in which I shared Taino ceremonial tradition. 

Fue para mi un gran placer compartir com mis hermanos y hermanas de muchas tradiciones en el bello local de Wisteria.

For me it was a great pleasure to share with my brothers and sisters of many traditions in that beautiful site of Wisteria.

Seneko Kakona


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