
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.





Takaji mis parientes, este ultimo Sabado un grupo grande de los behikes del CIRCULO ESPIRITUAL INDIGENA CANEY se reunio en la ciudad de Lancaster, Pennsylvania para celebrar el primer retiro anual de los behikes de nuestra comunidad espiritual. Los behikes y behikes-bajo-entrenamiento nos reunimos en la cede del Yukayeke Manicato en Lancaster. Este edificio es una maravilla de nuestra era, un centro cultural y museo sin comparacion.

Takahi my relatives, this past Saturday a large group of the behikes of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE gathered in the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania to celebrate the first annual behike retreat of our spiritual community. The behikes and behikes-in-training met at the home building of the Yukayeke Manicato. This building is a marvel of our age, a cultural center and museum without comparison.

El kasike del Yukayeke Manicato Casike Guatu Iri se esmero para crear un ambiente de espiritualidad y hermandad en el cual nuestro encuentro se desemvolvio bellamente.

The kasike of the Yuakayeke Manicato Casike Guatu Iri did an admirable job to create an atmosphere of spirituality and fraternity in which our gathering materialized beautifully.

Para mi fue un honor guiar la discusion y oir las opiniones de mis hermanos y hermanas behikes del Circulo Caney.

It was an honor for me to guide the discussion and listen to the opinions of my brothers and sisters behikes of the Caney Circle.

Compartimos experiencias y sabiduria heredada de nuestros abuelos y abuelas. Discutimos los detalles y opiniones de los expertos con respecto a las viejas tradicioness de nuestros antepasados. Intercambiamos criterios diversos acerca de las tradiciones de nuestro Circulo Caney.

We shared experiences and wisdom inherited from grandfathers and grandmothers. We discussed the details and opinions of the experts in regard to the ancient traditions of our ancestors. We exchanged diverse criteria about the traditions of our Caney Circle.

Despues de las discusiones el encuentro culmino con la ceremonia de la LUNA LLENA de Octubre 15.

After the discussions the gathering culminated with the FFULL MOON Ceremony of October 15.

Durante la ceremonia de La LUNA LLENA se llevaron a cabo varios ritos de nuestras antiguas tradiciones incluyendo la danza del Cordon.

During the FULL MOON ceremony various rituals of our ancient traditions including the Dance of the Cordon.

Este encuentro a sido uno de los eventos mas trancedentales de nuestra historia. El Circulo Caney se encuentra en estado de expansion y de resurgimiento gracias a Yaya el Ser Supremo.

This gathering has been one of the most transcendental events in our history. The Caney Circle finds itself in a state of expansion and resurgence thanks to Yaya the Supreme Being.

Jan Jan Katu

Han Han Katu

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Comment by Dayvanna Caraballo Schreiner on October 20, 2016 at 6:57pm

This event was inspirational and the movement that occurred here is transcendental! We owe so much to our ancestors and to Miguel for bringing us together, along with our family hosts! To our brothers and sisters that could not be here for this round, we will all soon meet. Something that I am encouraged to do if possible, starting soon , I would love to hear from you all on your full Moon gatherings and events, create a PDF with each of our locations and we could have the possibility to travel and be with you during ceremony. I would love to experience this just for myself but leaving the opportunity for all. Love you all!    

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