
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Solsticio de Invierno Taino 2016--------Taino Winter Solstice 2016

Las ceremonias de Solsticio segun la tradicion del CIRCULO CANEY se celebraron en varios sitios del continente americano este mes de Diciembre 2016.

The Solstice ceremonies in accordance with the tradition of the CANEY CIRCLE were celebrated in a variety of locations around the continent this month of December 2016.


En la ciudad de Pine Plains, New York, nuestro behike bajo entrenamiento Nelson Kauamarix Zayas celebro la ceremonia rindiendole honores al se~or Yokaju, espiritu de la vida, en este momento en el cual su alma finalmente alcanza llegar al utero de su madre Atabei despues de pasar el tramo atravez de Coaibai, territorio de la muerte. Yokaju murio en la ceremonia de Equinoccio de Oto~o en el mes de Septiembre y recorrio atravez del reino de Maketaurie Guayaba durante la celebracion del DIA DE LOS MUERTOS en Octubre. El alma de Yokahu al fin alcanzo su meta este mes de Diciembre cuando comenzo la gestacion dentro del vientre sagrado. Nuestro hermano Nelson expreso esa reunion de hijo y utero cuando amarro el cemi trigonolito de Yokaju al aro litico que representa el vientre de la madre cosmica.

In the city of Pine Plains, New York our behike-in-training Nelson Kauamarix Zayas celebrated the ceremony honoring Lord Yokahu, the spirit of Life, during this moment in which his soul finally reaches the uterus of his mother Atabei, after completing his journey through Coaibai, the realm of Death. Yokahu died during the Fall Equinox ceremony in the month of September and traveled through the realm of Maketaurie Guayaba during the celebration of DAY OF THE DEAD in October. Yokahu's soul finally reached its goal this month of December when he began gestating in the sacred womb. Our brother Nelson expressed that reunion of child and uterus when he tied the three-pointed cemi statue of Yokahu to the coa hoop that represents the womb of the cosmic mother.



En la ciudad de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania nuestra behike Karmen White Hawk Jaguar y la behike-bajo-entrenamiento Dee compartieron la ceremonia con Bella, la hija de Dee.

In the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania our behike Karmen White Hawk Jaguar and the behike-in-training Dee shared the ceremony with Dee's daughter, Bella.



Los miembros del Yukayeke Manicato, guiado por el Casike Guatu Iri, nuestro behike del Circulo Caney celebraron la ceremonia honrando al se~or de la vida en sus localidades.

The members of Yukayeke Manicato, led by Casike Guatu Iri, celebrated the ceremony in their own locales.



En la ciudad de Miami nuestra celebracion del Solsticio se llevo a cabo en el parque Women's Park auspiciada conjuntamente por nuestro CIRCULO CANEY y La CONFEDERACION UNIDA DEL PUEBLO TAINO. Fuimos acompa~ados por nuestro behike-bajo-entrenamiento de Orlando Joey Karei Kumaha'Manigua de Orlando y la representatnte del CUPT en la Florida, Tai Pelli.

In the city of Miami our Solstice celebration was carried out at Women's Park sponsored jointly by our CANEY CIRCLE and the UNITED CONFEDERATION OF TAINO PEOPLE. We were joined by our behike-in-training Joey Karei Kumaha'Manigua from Orlando and the UCTP representative in Florida Tai Pelli.

Celebramos el ritual del sol radiante y la danza del tiburon.

We celebrated the radiant sun ritual and the Shark Dance.

La ceremona se concluyo con el ritual en el cual el cemi trigonolito de Yokaju se amarra al aro litico coa.

The conclusion of the ceremony takes place when the three-point cemi of Yokahu is tied to the coa hoop.

En ese ritual nuestro hermano espiritual Joey Karei hizo el papel de Yokaju y nuestra hermana espiritual Tai Pelli hizo el papel de Atabei.

In that ritual our spiritual brother Joey Karei assumed the role of Yokahu and our spiritual sister Tai Pelli assumed the role of Atabei.

Nuestra ceremonia fue asistida por la agrupacion de danza tipica azteca TLOKE NAHUAKE. Estos talentosos artistas compartieron con nosotros una preciosa presentacion que le a~adio un espiritu muy sagrado y muy sano a nuestro encuentro.

Our ceremony was attended by a traditional Aztec dance troupe TLOKE NAHUAKE. These talented artists shared with us beautiful presentation that added a very sacred and very powerful spirit to our gathering.

Nuestro hermano espiritual Mike Lopez y su esposa Maryellen Lopez organizaron una bella presentacion que consistio de dos mesas llenas de ofrendas culturales de las dos culturas indigenas representadas en el evento.  Una mesa tenia libros y artefactos de la cultura taina y la otra mesa tenia libros y artefactos de la cultura azteca.

Our spiritual brother Mike Lopez and his wife MaryEllen Lopez organized a beautiful presentation that consisted of two tables that held cultural offerings from the two main Indigenous cultures represented at the event. The Taino table held books and artifacts from Taino culture and likewise the Aztec table held books and artifacts from Aztec culture.

Los espiritus sagrados de nuestra tradicion han recibido los honores de la temporada y el Circulo Caney de nuevo cumple con su mision.

The sacred spirits of our tradition have received the honors of the season and the Caney Circle again has kept faith with its mission.

Views: 494


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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on December 27, 2016 at 3:39pm

You and all my other brothers and sisters of the Caney were in my thoughts while we were observing these practices. Season's greetings to you and your loved ones.

Comment by Jeffry Mucaro Blake Johnson on December 27, 2016 at 12:32pm
Hahom, Brother, for sharing these beautiful and powerful moments of honoring! Seneko kakona!

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