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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Upcoming Significant Mayan Venus Cycle Date

Tau My Relatives

We are arriving at a very important nexus date of the on-going Maya Calendar Venus Cycle. The Venus Cycle is a significant series of astronomical events which manifest themselves in asociation with the repetitive movements of the planet Venus, one of the brightest objects of the night sky. The series in question includes a significant, regularly predictable number of days that the planet appears as a morningstar hovering above the eastern horizon just before sunrise. This "Morningstar" phenonmenon is followed by another one which features the dissappearance of the planet from view due to the fact that it begins to rise at the same time as the sun and the glare of the sun blots it out of sight. This particular series also lasts a specific relatively predictable number of days, and is called "Superior Conjunction". This second phenomenon is followed by another series of days in which the planet Venus appears above the western horizon in the evening just after sunset. This is called "Eveninstar". Finally the eveningstar phenomenon is followed by a brief period of eight days during which the planet sets at the same time in the west as the sun and therefore is again blotted out of sight by the sun's bright light. This is called "Inferior Conjunction".

This recurrence of four separate phenomena is called the "VENUS CYCLE". One Venus Cycle includes the full gamut of days that it takes for the planet to go through all four of the aforementioned phenomena. It takes about 584 days for this whole cycle to run its course. The days on which each of the four phenomena of the cycle approximately begins were considered sacred by the ancient Maya and comprised a system that they held in extremely high esteem. The ancient Mayas understood that the various series of this cycle indicated important dates in the Mayan Calendar that reflected forces which influenced the lives of humans. I have found that following the patterns of these cycles has made it easier for me to understand the many strange twists that life takes for me personally and for our Taino people as a whole, since the Maya shared this wisdom with our ancestors and they surely comprehended its intricacies.

In the ancient Maya tradition the most important day of a first Morningstar rising was early morning before dawn on the Mayan date "Ahau". The last time a Venus first morningstar phenomenon coincided with the Mayan date Ahau was April 3 2001, about eight years ago. On that day the Maya day-name Ahau happened to coincide with the Mayan Day-number 1. This is a remarkable coincidence because in Maya tradition a first day of morningstar phenomenon does not coincide with the Mayan Date 1-Ahau but once every 104 years. This enormous period of time is called a Mayan Venus Round and it always begins and ends with the Mayan date 1-Ahau.

I felt fortunate to have known when this powerful date was due to arrive and I made sure to celebrate it in an appropriate manner back in 2001. The portents borne by this 2001 date, of a significant new sequence filled with peril and hope which would eventually lead to the Mayan Calendar transition date of 2012 was borne out by the 9-11 tragedy later that same year.

The Mayan Venus cycle system works in the form of consecutive repetitions. Each repetition has its own meaning and is read as an oracle. The fundamental repetitions are the 584-day cycles that I mentioned earlier. These repeat 5 times, each one beginning with a new Venus morningstar first day appearance which coincides with one of five different day-signs of the Mayan calendar starting with the day-sign "Ahau" as I said before. After going through five separate cycles, each one lasting 584 days and each one begining with a different one of the five dedicated day signs, the whole thing begins again and Venus again rises approximately on an Ahau date, this time on a different day number, but definitely on the day-sign "Ahau". It takes about eight years for Venus to again rise as a morningstar on the Mayan day Ahau. After this 8-year sequence the Mayan day-name Ahau now rises accompanied by a different number, as I already mentioned. This eight-year period is called a "Venus Sequence" and includes five Venus Cycles. It takes 13 of these eight-year sequences to complete a 104-year Venus Round.

Each Venus sequence begins on the Mayan day-name "Ahau" accompanied by a different day-number, for example 3-Ahau, or 12-Ahau, or 10-Ahau. As I mentioned earlier, it takes approximately 104 years/ 13 Venus Sequences for the extraordinary phenomenon of a Venus morningstar rising coinciding with the Mayan date 1-Ahau. That happened on April 3, 2001 and will not happen again for another 104 years since that day, but this coming April will mark the eighth year since that remarkable 2001 date. Venus will rise as a morningstar on April 1, 2009 on the Maya date 9-Ahau. The conclusion of an eight-year/five-cycle sequence is not considered as earth-shaking as the completion of a 104-year Venus Round but it is still important. This important event will be preceded by the begining of the eight-day Inferior conjunction on March 24 (Mayan Date 1-Eb) and conclude on April 1 (9-Ahau). After that we enter a whole new eight-year sequence.

I invite you, my brothers and sisters to join with me from your own homes, from your own personal sacred spaces, to pray and meditate along with me in harmony with the powerful spiritual forces that guide us all on those two important Mayan calendar dates, March 24, 2009(1-EB) the first day of Inferior Conjunction, and April 1, 2009 (9-Ahau) the first day of Venus Morningstar apperances, which is also the first day of the new Venus sequence. This is Venus sequence number 2. Venus sequence number 1 began back in April of 2001. Venus sequence number 3 is another eight years away in April of 2017.

I will keep you appraised as these important dates get closer and I will share with you what the oracle reveals in the day-signs and day numbers of the Mayan calendar during those dates.

Taino Ti

Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague

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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on April 25, 2009 at 9:01pm
I have been working with this system for may years and I was taught and continue to be taught by Maya day-keepers. I will be happy to share with you anything I can about this sacred process.
Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on April 25, 2009 at 9:00pm
In the Mayan Calendar system it works almost exactly the same way. But instead of these factors being decided by the house of the zodic in which the sun happens to find itself at a specific time of the year (as in the case of western astrology) it's based on the energy of the day-sign and number that came up on your birth day. For instance, on my birthday April 19 1951 the day sign that came up on that day was Ben and the number was 6 (6 BEN). the combination of that number and that day sign has many important implicatons that when interpreted correctly say a lot about whoI I am and what I am destined to do with my life. Furthermore these day-sign/number combinations also give a hint as to the role that the person is going to play in the Shift of cosmic ages indicated by the approaching end of the present Mayan Calendar long count cycle and the beginning of the new one.
Comment by Priscilla (Pbutter72) on April 25, 2009 at 10:06am
Tau Brother Miguel,
I had a question-- how does one's birth date according to the Mayan Calendar, factor in to the Age that you've discussed and the Journey that a person must undertake that is unique to their Kin?
For example, in Western calendar signs-- an Aries is more apt to do this or that in order to complete a task while a Taurus is more inclined to do one thing or another in order to come to a similar outcome.
I know this example is a little more simplified than the Reality of the situation because of the complexity of the Mayan Calendar.. but this is a very interesting topic-- and it is my feeling that We as a People should utilize the Tools and teachings of the Ancestors in order to prepare for the Change that is forthcoming.

Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on April 13, 2009 at 9:36am
Bo matun sister.
I want to comment that some of the predicted stressful signs indicating a new sequence of peril and challenge would manifest during these days of the sequence's first cycle are already being manifested.
Taino Ti
Comment by Priscilla (Pbutter72) on April 13, 2009 at 9:09am
Thank you Brother Miguel for this information.. it is very Enlightening and Helpful...
Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on March 7, 2009 at 5:19pm
Tau My Relatives
The Mayan Calendar inplications of the March 24th date are significant in their
relation to what we know of the upcoming end-date December 21st 2012. We know
for a fact that the Mayan Calendar end-date indicates a gradual transition to a
more relevant and more representative expression of philosophy, ethics and
spirituality in our world. This new philosophical expression of ethics,
spirituality and morality promises to reflect the aspirations and dreams of
common ordinary people, of those who normally have not been in control, as
opposed to the expressions of the past which have always represented the
closeminded dogmatism of the bosses of society. We feel that this is a
transition of control which is manifesting at all levels of our human society,
all over the world. It is a painfully gradual process so it may be difficult for
many of us to actually perceive that change, especially since there is an
inevitable backlash reaction by the forces of auhoritarianism which is shaping
up and menacing this wonderful nascent movement of human liberation.

The March 24 date indicated by the Mayan Venus Cycle comes up on the Mayan
Calendar day-sign "Eb". This Mayan Calendar day-sign represents a road. After
the dramatic Mythological adventure episodes alluded to by the previous Maya
dates of this Venus cycle; "Cib" the night bird, on August 26 2007 and "Ik" the
bitter wind on July 17 2008, the day-sign Eb(the road) represents a return from
the realm of peril. This is the road upon which the Mayan legend's two heroic
characters triumphantly make their way as they return from their danger-plagued
visit to the Realm of the Lords of Negativity, after defeating them and
establishing cosmic justice and freedom from their tyrany. The Mayan date Eb
that manifests on March 24 can be expected to herald a similar series of steps
in transition from the old tyrany of thought-control to a refreshing new realm
of reconciliation and freedom.

I look forward to new manifestations of this trend away from the status quo of
intolerant close-mindedness, of bitter sectarian and inter-ethnic, inter-racial
conflict. I am optimistically confident that our world will, in spite of the
bitter opposition being mounted by those who oppose this trend, continue this
triumphant return to a stronger connection between the people of the earth and
the ancient sacred covenant that once existed between all humanity and the
Cosmic Earth Mother.

No, I don't think that the struggle is over. The close of this present Venus
Cycle, eight days after the March 26th date, will simply represent the beginning
of a new Venus cycle and a new adventure for humanity. But I do believe that the
auguries of March 24 are positive ones. I believe that they represent positive
forward movement in our quest as a species for global reconciliation, and that
the next eight-year Venus Sequence, the one that will actually span the
crossover into the new World Age on Dec 21 2012, this new sequence will be a
calendric manifestation of the bridge that I have alluded to many times before,
the bridge that promises to cary all of humanity accross the chasm of oblivion
and into the New World Age.

The new eight-year Venus Sequence (beginning with the first cycle that lasts
from April 1 2009 to Nov 6 2010)will be filled with as many adventures and
perils as the one that is now concluding. But this one that is now concluding
reflects the equivalent triumphal conclusion of the legendary adventures of the
Mayan heroic twins and I have firm confidence that the incoming sequence will
also end in an equally optimistic note eight years from now in the year 2017
when the fifth cycle of that sequence closes and comes to an end.

It is up to us as a people, whether we are Tainos or not to contribute to the
success of this transition. The March 24 date indicating a road to triumph is
simply a marker. We must take that road. It is not an easy road to take. It will
involve sacrifice and integrity. There will be many obstacles that will be
placed on that road to triumph, but we as a people must overcome those obstacles
and take this journey to its logical conclusion. Ultimately we must successfully
cross the bridge to the New World Age of Global Reconciliation, reconciliation
with each other, reconciliation with Nature and the Environment, reconciliation
with ethics and integrity, reconciliation with the ancient millenial covenant
between humanity and the Cosmic Mother Deity.

Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague
Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on March 6, 2009 at 9:50am
Tau My relatives
If you look at the diagram of the the Mayan Venus Cycle time-line pictured as part of this blog post above you will note the Mayan glyphs imaged as small bue squares lined up along the time-line. Each blue square represents the Maya day-name associated with a specific date on the time-line. At the beginning on the far left the glyph for the Mayan day-name "Cib" represents the date August 26, 2007. That is the date upon which the ancient Maya approximated the first day that Venus would rise as a morningstar during this present cycle. The ancient Mayas actually considered that day to be the end of the last cycle rather than the beginning of this one and so they would not have pictured this date at the start of the diagram as I have done.

So this present Venus Cycle that we are experiencing presently began at the very end of the previous one on August 26, 2007 on the Mayan day "10-Cib". It lasted right on through superior conjunction which began on April 18 2008 ( 12-Eb) and then afterwards through the series of days of the Eveningstar risings which began on July 17, 2008 (11 Ik).

Finally now on the 24th of this present month on the Mayan day-name "1-Eb" the series of Eveningstar apearances will end, and the planet Venus will enter the last phase in its present Cycle, a phase called "Inferior Conjunction". This phase will last only eight days and will end on the first day of Morningstar risings, approximately on April 1, 2009 which in the Mayan Calendar is known as "9-Ahau"

As I mentioned in my blog post above, the coincidence of a first day morningstar rising with a Mayan day-name "Ahau" was very important to the ancient Mayas. It signalled the end of one eight-year Venus Sequence composed of five Venus Cycles, and heralded the beginning of a new one.

At the beginning of this present Venus Sequence back in 2001 I celebrated the start of this sacred period of time in a ceremonial manner. I again plan to celebrate now, eight years later. I will soon post an official event invitation on this network to anyone who is interested in observing this important Mayan calendar date with me in April. We in the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle are aware of the close cultural connections and spiritual sharings between our Taino ancestors and the Maya relatives on the Yucatan penninsula. We celebrate that connection by observing the Mayan calendar as they did and hope to spark interest in our fellow Tainos and Tainas out there in this wonderful tadition.
Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague

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